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GERMAR RUDOLF, RESISTANCE IS OBLIGATORYinterpreter during a presentation by Leuchter, was sentenced to manymonths imprisonment. His defense lawyer, the lawyer Bock, had to facea fine for a motion which he had filed during the Deckert trial whileexercising his duty as a defense lawyer, and the judge of the first instanceof the case, who had sentenced Deckert only to a prison term onprobation, was retired shortly afterwards after massive political interventions.Leuchter was arrested and indicted as well.After this had made me sensitive, I followed among the subsequenttrials with particular attention those against the certified chemist GermarRudolf, the historian Udo Walendy, and finally against the Australiancitizen Dr. Fredrick Toben. In each of those trials the judiciary followedthe same pattern. Such statements were indicted and punishedwhich in the eyes of the court questioned crimes by the Nazis. It wasexpressly rejected to discuss these statements or even to evaluate theirveracity. For a verdict of many months imprisonment it sufficed thatthese statements, although presented in a matter-of-factual way and scientificallysubstantiated, contradicted an undefined version of historywhich is nonetheless dictated as politically correct. In the case of Dr.Toben neither the prosecutor nor the judge were led astray by the factthat the defendant as an Australian citizen had posted his statements onthe Internet from within Australia, where those acts are not subject toprosecution. Liberties granted in Australia were denied in Germany.In all these cases the prosecution is accompanied by an all-encompassingmedia campaign. The objects of that campaign are suspected ofharboring “right-wing extremist views” and are stigmatized morally.Politicians and the public demand drastic punishments. The media onlyreport about the verdict but nothing at all about the punished statements.Publishers, authors, translators and even typesetters who dare to deviatefrom the [official] line are confronted with being publicly suspected ofhaving “right-wing views,” with being verbally and physically threatened,and with being labeled as “Nazis” on cars, houses and fences.Their offices and editorial departments are targets for nocturnal vandalism.Not even banks remain passive, but cancel their business relationshipsand the accounts of those thusly “ousted” under specious pretexts.That these are not isolated cases results from the fact that between1994 and 1997 some 17,208 penal proceedings were conducted againstso-called “propaganda offenses.” The list of banned books and magazinesis long but not public. Undesirable literature is confiscated and330

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