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GRADE CHANGE POLICYNo grade changes shall be granted morethan one calendar year from the originalgrade submission deadline. Any change of grade,prior to the deadline, will be initiated by thefaculty member only who assigned the grade. Allrequests must be adequately documented.A grade may be changed, prior to thedeadline, for the purpose of correcting clericalor administrative error, or to correct an error inthe calculation or recording of a grade. A changeof grade will not occur as a result of additionalwork performed or re-examination beyond theestablished course requirements.GRADUATION HONORSEligibility for graduation honors at thebachelor’s degree level shall be based uponthe following criteria:1. At least 45 earned <strong>Park</strong> credit hours prior tothe last term of enrollment at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>.2. The cumulative <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> grade pointearned as follows:Cum Laude..........................3.5 to 3.699Magna Cum Laude..............3.7 to 3.899Summa Cum Laude..............3.9 to 4.03. Graduation Honors are not retroactive forthose students receiving changes of grades orIncompletes.4. Students who complete 24 to 44 gradedhours and accumulate a 3.75 or better gradepoint average may be honored by having thenotation “With Distinction” entered on theiracademic records.5. Graduation Honor designations for theAssociate of Science in Nursing graduates areas follows:30 or more hours earned from <strong>Park</strong><strong>University</strong>With Honor.........................3.5 to 3.699With High Honor................3.7 to 3.899With Highest Honor............3.9 to 4.024-29 graded hoursearned from <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>:With Distinction..................3.75 or betterINCOMPLETESThe notation “I” may be issued only uponwritten completion of a “Contract forIncomplete” signed by the student and theinstructor and placed on file in the Office of theRegistrar or Campus Center. An Incomplete willnot be issued to a student who has unexcused orexcessive absences recorded for a course. An “I”indicates that the coursework was not completedin the time allotted in the semester/termthrough no fault of the student as determined101by the instructor. Final assessment of the gradeis postponed to no later than the last day ofthe semester/term immediately following thesemester/term in which the “I” was received,unless an earlier deadline was established by theinstructor. Failure on the part of the student tocomplete the work will result in a grade of “F”.NOTE: Taking an “I” (Incomplete) maysuspend the student from financial aid.INDEPENDENT STUDY(<strong>Park</strong>ville Daytime Campus Center Only)Independent Study is a means by whicha degree-seeking student may completea course. Junior standing is required. Therequested courses must be out-of-class academicwork which cannot be met through the existingcurriculum, for which a course number andsupervision are available, or a catalog course notscheduled for an academic year.The application must have attached adetailed proposal to include title, resources to beused, course objectives, content and evaluationaspects of the study.Applications must be signed by thestudent, the instructor, and the DepartmentChair, Associate Dean or Dean. The applicationmust be filed in the Office of the Registrar priorto the last day of the enrollment adjustmentperiod.INDEPENDENT STUDY(Accelerated Programs Only)Independent Study is a method for completionof courses in this catalog that do not requirespecial equipment, instruments, machines,and are deemed suitable to be taught as anIndependent Study. The course consists of aprescribed program of study with provisionfor interaction between a student and a <strong>Park</strong><strong>University</strong> faculty member.To qualify for an Independent Study course,the student must:1. Have been evaluated as a degree-seekingstudent at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>;2. Have no access to classes in any <strong>Park</strong><strong>University</strong> program;3. Have completed no less than 24 of the30 residency hours for a Bachelor of Artsdegree or a Bachelor of Science degree or 9of the 15 hours for an Associates degree.If qualified, the student must request anIndependent Study Agreement from the Officeof the Registrar or Campus Center Director.A student is allowed a maximum of six credithours through Independent Study to complete

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