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(H) Humanities and Performing ArtsTH – Theatre (continued)TH 216 LEPrinciples of DirectingA study of the function of the director andbasic theories of composition, picturization,and movement. Development of practical skillsas directors through classroom discussion andthe direction of scenes. Classroom presentationof a ten-minute play and assembly of acomplete director’s script for a final project.Open to all students. 1:2:3TH 217Basic Principles of Theatrical DesignIntroduction to the theory and practice ofscenic, lighting, costume and makeup design.A Theatre Minor requirement and stronglysuggested for education and English majorsinterested in theatre. 1:2:3TH 223Acting/Technical Theatre Workshop IA practical apprenticeship in the techniques ofthe theatre: participation in crew work and/oracting in theatre productions. May be repeatedup to 3 credits total. For 1 credit a total of 40hours work is required. Variable credit: 1-2hours.TH 302Creative DramaTheory and practice of the use of creative dramaas an alternative teaching/learning tool and asa support technique in working with diverseneedspopulations and age groups—such asdrama in education for curricular and languageskill enhancement; drama as self-esteem,social interaction, and coordination buildingtools. Course includes off-campus workshopopportunities. Course is recommended forEducation, Communications, Psychology, andSocial Work majors and for recreation leaders.1:2:3TH 306Acting Beyond PrejudiceAn acting course designed to specifically addressissues of prejudice and discrimination throughdialogue, improvisation, and script-building,ultimately culminating in several on-campusperformances that will be open to the public,with the additional possibility of off-campustouring performances to local schools. 1:5:3TH 311Intermediate ActingStudy beyond Basic Principles of Acting of thetools and skills good actors develop and usewill be explored: physical and vocal exercises,script analysis and character development,improvisational exercises for specific characterdevelopment, period acting explorations, andapplications of those skills with monologues,scenes and/or a play. 1:2:3TH 316Directing IIPrerequisite: TH 216.Advanced study in directing techniques. Eachstudent must direct a one-act play. 1:2:3TH 317Design IIPrerequisite: TH 217.A course designed to assist the student indeveloping proficiency as a designer of sceneryand lighting through research, classroomdiscussion, and design projects. 1:2:3TH 321Advanced ActingAdvanced study of the tools and skills goodactors develop and use will be explored:physical and vocal exercises, script analysisand character development, improvisationalexercises for specific character development,period acting explorations, and applicationof those skills with monologues for auditionpurposes, scenes and/or a play productionperformances. 1:2:3TH 323Acting/Technical Workshop IIPrerequisite: TH 223 and permission oftheatre instructor.Practical experience in the techniques oftheatre, designed as an extension of Acting/Technical Workshop I. Emphasis is on moreadvanced techniques acting in major roles,heading production crews and managementsupervisory work. May be repeated for up to 3credits. For 1 credit a total of 40 hours work isrequired. A total of no more than 3 credit hourstoward graduation may be accrued. Variablecredit: 1-2 hours.348

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