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(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesEDM – Middle School EducationMiddle School EducationEDM 225Psychology of Education & AdolescenceThrough a study of the developmentalfactors and problems common to the periodfrom puberty to adulthood, including selfidentity, sexuality, parent, peer, and adolescentrelationships, and conditions leading to optimaldevelopment, this course guides the student toapply the fundamental principles of adolescentpsychology to the teaching-learning process.3:0:3EDM 353Teaching Strategies & ClassroomManagementPrerequisites: Admission to the School forEducation. To be taken simultaneously withPracticum.Theory and skills necessary to implementclassroom management, curriculumdevelopment and instructional strategies arepresented through lecture, discussion andclassroom observations. Students will explorethe theoretical foundations, knowledge, skillsand dispositions necessary to create supportiveteacher-student relationships and to implementdevelopmentally appropriate guidance andclassroom management strategies. Additionalemphasis is focused on developing knowledgeof the Missouri Standards, lesson plans, andreflection techniques. The course includesguidance procedures for integrating childrenwith and without disabilities. 3:0:3.EDM 358 (EDS 358)Reading and Writing in the Content AreasPrerequisites: To be taken simultaneously withpracticum. Must be admitted to the School forEducation.This course will provide the middle schoolteacher candidate with the knowledge andskills to address the various reading, writing,and study skill levels and the literacy attitudesand motivation of middle school students.Theories, techniques, and strategies of reading,writing, vocabulary development, and studyskills in the secondary content areas are studiedand practiced. Connections between reading,writing, hearing, speaking, and thinking tothe learning process are emphasized. Also anunderstanding of varying skill levels in theseliteracy areas will result in the ability to meet theneeds of all learners. Students are expected toinclude literacy instruction with their contentare assignments and field experiences. 3:0:3EDM 360PracticumPrerequisite: Admission to the School forEducation.This field experience in a classroom supportsthe integration of teacher knowledge, skills, anddispositions in the observation and applicationof classroom management, professionalpractices, and instructional techniques.The student is required to be in the regularclassroom a full day or 2 half days during thesemester. Students must earn a “B” grade orhigher before continuing in the practicumsequence; may be repeated. 0:2:2A. Concurrent enrollment in EDM 353.B. Concurrent enrollment in EDU375recommended.EDM 395Methodology in Teaching Content Area inMiddle School ClassroomsPrerequisite: Admission to the School forEducation. To be taken simultaneously withPracticum or Directed Teaching.The purpose of this course is for candidates toidentify and practice appropriate techniquesand methods in the area of certification. Theteaching of reading and writing, in additionto assessment, will be addressed. The areas ofemphasis will be offered on a rotating basis asneed dictates: A. English B. Social StudiesC. Science D. Mathematics E. Journalism3:0:3Student must pass appropriate PRAXIS IIexams in both areas of certification beforeenrolling in Directed Teaching with SeminarEDM 410Middle School Directed Teachingwith SeminarPrerequisites: EDM 353 (with at least a gradeof “B”) and at least 15 hours in discipline tobe taught and admission to the School forEducation and cumulative GPA of 2.75.A ten-week experience in directed teaching inan area school. The student will observe andactually teach in a classroom. Included willbe 30 contact hours of seminar, an intensiveperiod before teaching begins, weekly meetingsduring the experience of directed teaching andimmediately at the conclusion. The purposeof the seminar is to allow exploration of issuesand experiences in reflective way to enhance thedirected teaching experience. 2:10:12278

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