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campus must have an ID parking pass which isissued by the Downtown Kansas City Campus at911 Main. During the confirmation of courses,IDs may be secured by presenting a Student DataSheet (SDS) stamped by the cashier certifyingthat fees are paid. Contact Enrollment Servicesat (816) 584-6800 for further information or forquestions.ID cards for all other campus centers canbe obtained from the Campus Center Director.These cards may be used by students, faculty andstaff, and may be required by the local facility aspart of the information needed to gain entry ontothe installation. The ID may be obtained onlyafter tuition and fees have been paid for the term.An expiration date will be noted on the ID.TOBACCO USE POLICYThe use of tobacco (both smoking andsmokeless) is prohibited in all campus facilities.In addition, smoking is prohibited within 50feet of any campus building.General Procedures for Reporting aCrime or EmergencyFaculty, staff, students and guests arestrongly encouraged to report all crimes andemergencies to the Department of Campus Safety.The Department of Campus Safety is staffed 24hours a day, 365 days a year, and can be reachedat (816) 584-6444. Campus Safety dispatcherswill take your call and dispatch an officer, and ifnecessary call the police, fire department or EMSagency to assist in you emergency.If you are on a campus other than the<strong>Park</strong>ville Campus, please report your crime oremergency to the Campus Center Director orthe appropriate law enforcement agency.Crimes should be reported to theDepartment of Campus Safety so thatthe statistics can be reported to the U.S.Department of Education in compliance withthe Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of CampusSecurity Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act(the Clery Act). A copy of this report is availableonline at: www.park.edu/safety. Search “crimesafety.” For a printed copy of the report, pleasecontact the Department of Campus Safety at(816) 584-6444.Drug and Alcohol Policy<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> recognizes that misuseof alcohol and other drugs and theunlawful possession, use or distribution ofillicit drugs and alcohol pose major healthproblems, are potential safety and securityproblems, can adversely affect academic andjob performance, and can generally inhibitthe educational development of students.60<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> is committed to the standardsoutlined by the Federal Drug-Free WorkplaceAct of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools andCommunities Act Amendments of 1989. Asa result of this commitment, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>has established regulations forbidding theunlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,possession or use of illegal or illicit drugs andalcohol on <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> premises or propertyor as part of any <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> activity plannedfor or by students. These regulations shall assurethat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> is in compliance with allapplicable federal, state, and local statutes,regulations, and ordinances. Please see theStudent Conduct Code for more details andcheck the Student Handbook online at www.park.edu/studentlife for more information aboutregulations, disciplinary actions, legal sanctions,health risks, and referral/treatment information.Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> strongly denounces sexualassault and sexual violence in any formand advocates the immediate reporting of anyincident to university officials and appropriatelaw enforcement authorities. Sexual violence is aform of sexual harassment and refers to physicalsexual acts perpetrated against a person’s willor against a person who is incapable of givingconsent due to the victim’s incapacity, causedby use of drugs or alcohol, and/or due to theindividual’s intellectual or other disability. Sexualviolence includes rape, sexual assault, sexualbattery, and sexual coercion. A Student who isa victim of sexual assault should first contactemergency services at 911 if medical attentionis needed and/or to report the crime. Studentsshould also contact the Dean of Student Lifeimmediately, through the Campus SafetyDispatcher, at (816) 584-6444. Campus Safetystaff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,to assist as needed: provide initial medical careand/or assist in calling for emergency medicalcare, assist in reporting to law enforcement,collect information, report to other appropriateuniversity officials, and more. If it is not anemergency situation, students can also submittheir reports through the Behavioral InterventionTeam form at: www.<strong>Park</strong>.edu/BIT as thosereports are confidential and viewed immediately.Student victims will get assistance asneeded, including change in class schedule,change in living arrangement, counseling, andreferrals to outside agencies. Please refer to <strong>Park</strong><strong>University</strong> Title IX Policy on page 61 of theCatalog and on the <strong>Park</strong> website at:www.<strong>Park</strong>.edu/StudentPolicies for additionalinformation and procedures.

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