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(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesEDE – Elementary EducationEDE 220Child Growth and Development for EarlyChildhood and Elementary TeachersA study of the growth and development ofchildren, birth through the years of middlechildhood. Emphasis will be placed oncontemporary multicultural dimensions ofdevelopment and child rearing, and theirimplications for teachers. Students will spenda total of 15 contact hours (5 hours each)observing an infant or toddler, a pre-primaryaged child, kindergartener, or first grader, and asecond, third, fourth, or fifth grader. 3:0:3EDE 335 (EDC 335)Art, Music and Movement for EarlyChildhood and Elementary TeachersA course in which students plan, implementand evaluate developmentally appropriatematerials, activities and strategies for teachingart, music and physical education in earlychildhood settings and the elementary grades.Combines theoretical knowledge abouteffective instruction with the development andapplication of reflective teaching skills. 3:0:3EDE 355Classroom Management for ElementaryTeachersPrerequisites: EDU 203 and Admissionto the School for Education.Theory and skills necessary to implementclassroom management strategies are presentedthrough lecture, discussion and classroomobservations. Students will explore thetheoretical foundations, knowledge, skills anddispositions necessary to create supportiveteacher-student relationships and to implementdevelopmentally appropriate guidance andclassroom management strategies. The courseincludes guidance procedures for integratingchildren with and without disabilities.Students will observe and analyze guidanceand management practices in a variety ofappropriate early childhood, elementary,middle school and secondary settings. 3:0:3EDE 359Elementary Teaching StrategiesPrerequisite: Admission to the School forEducation. Students must earn at least an“B” in this course before enrolling in directedteaching. Will be taken concurrently withPracticum.This course develops the curriculum andinstructional strategies appropriate to theelementary learner. An emphasis is focusedon developing knowledge of the MissouriStandards, lesson plans, teaching strategies, andreflection techniques. The course is designedto provide the student with the skills to plan,implement, and evaluate both the teaching andlearning processes for the elementary socialstudies classroom. 5:0:5EDE 360PracticumPrerequisite: Admission to the School forEducation.A. Concurrent enrollment in EDE 359and EDE 380 required unless previouslycompleted.B. Concurrent enrollment in EDU 375 orapproval of Program Chair.C. Concurrent enrollment in EDE 385 andEDE 387 or approval of Program Chair.This field experience in a classroom supportsthe integration of teacher knowledge, skills, anddispositions in the observation and applicationof classroom management, professionalpractices, and instructional techniques.The student is required to be in the regularclassroom a full day or 2 half days during thesemester. Students must earn a “B” grade orhigher before continuing in the practicumsequence; may be repeated. 0:2:2EDE 378Science for Early Childhood and ElementaryTeachersElementary: Prerequisites: EDE 359 andadmission to the School for Education.Early Childhood Prerequisites: Admission tothe School for Education.A course designed to explore how childrendevelop an interest in scientific exploration.Students will observe, design, implementand evaluate activities appropriate forearly childhood programs and elementaryclassrooms. 2:0:2EDE 380Literacy for Early Childhood andElementary TeachersElementary: Prerequisites: Admission to theSchool for Education. To be taken concurrently276

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