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(H) Humanities and Performing ArtsML – Modern Languages (continued)SP 204Business Spanish IIAn advanced intermediate review of grammarthrough the study of business terminology andcultural interaction. 3:0:3SP 205Issues in International BusinessA study of global markets accompanied byinteractive role-playing, case studies andproblem-solving. 3:0:3SP 213Spanish for Health Care IAn intermediate level review of grammarthrough the study of cultural skills and medicalterminology when interacting with patients.3:0:3SP 214Spanish for Health Care IIAn advanced intermediate level review ofgrammar through the study of cultural skillsand medical terminology when interacting withpatients. 3:0:3SP 215Cultural Issues in MedicineA study of issues in Health Care and on-siteinteractions with an emphasis on specific areasof interest to individual students. 3:0:3SP 230Spanish for EducatorsA study of contemporary issues in Educationthat emphasizes skills important to classroomneeds and communication with students,families, and colleagues. 3:0:3SP 294Intermediate Spanish ConversationPrerequisite: SP 202 or equivalent, fouryears of high school Spanish or instructor’spermission.The course consists of a variety of sources andtopics for the improvement of oral languageskills. Forums for conversation includeindividual presentations, pair presentationsand groups discussion in Spanish based onreadings, individual research, movies, plays andexcursions. This course includes a review ofadvanced grammar concepts. 3:0:3SP 295Intermediate Spanish CompositionPrerequisite: SP 202 or equivalent.Writing in Spanish at the intermediate level,including a review of grammar. Short essaysand other practical exercises in composition.3:0:3SP 299The Minor Capstone ProjectAn individual or joint research project thatinvolves hands-on learning and a final oralpresentation in English of the work undertaken.3:0:3SP 301Advanced Spanish ConversationPrerequisites: SP294 or equivalent.Based on the viewing of U.S. Latino, Spanishand Spanish American films, this courseemphasizes the practice of oral communicationskills and analytical approaches to film reviews.Taught in Spanish. 3:0:3SP 302Advanced Grammar and CompositionPrerequisites: SP295 or equivalent.In this course the student develops advancedlevelreading and writing skills through theanalytical interpretation of short texts byHispanic writers. Taught in Spanish. 3:0:3SP 310Independent Readings in SpanishPrerequisite: SP 202 or four years of highschool Spanish or instructor’s permission.Material and credit to be arranged with theinstructor. May be repeated for up to six hoursof credit with permission of the instructor.Variable credit: 1-3 hours.SP 311Culture and Civilization of SpainPrerequisites: SP 294 and SP 295 orequivalent.Further development of written and spokenSpanish through the study of the culture andcivilization of Spain. This course is taught inSpanish. 3:0:3319

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