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(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesFI – Finance (continued)FI 360Financial ManagementPrerequisites: AC 201 and AC 202The role of financial management throughthe development of a framework appropriatefor financial decision making. Emphasis onobtaining and effectively utilizing the fundsnecessary for the operation of an enterprise.Elements of financial planning, capitalbudgeting, and consideration of alternativesources of funds. 3:0:3FI 363Financial Institutions and MarketsPrerequisite: EC 301A study of the macrofinancial environmentwith emphasis on the structure, functions, andeconomic role of financial institutions andmarkets. This includes the role of commercialbanks, the central banking system andinternational finance. 3:0:3FI 400Special Topics in FinanceThis course consists of the study and analysisof some major aspect(s) of finance concepts atthe senior level. Permission required from theinstructor. Variable credit: 1-3 credit hours.FI 410Problems in Corporate FinancePrerequisite: FI 360A study of selected problems in financialmanagement including short and long-termfinancial analysis and planning, trade-creditanalysis, capital budgeting; use of case analysis.3:0:3FI 417Investment Analysis and ManagementPrerequisite: FI 360 or permission of theinstructor.A study of investment alternatives, selectioncriteria, and portfolio management. Emphasisis placed on economic, financial, and marketfactors which affect the values of alternativeinvestments, while studying risk managementassociated with investment management. 3:0:3FI 425Principles of Real EstatePrerequisite: FI 360 or permission of theinstructor.A study of real property, its legal title, transfer,ownership, finance, and management. 3:0:3FI 430Public Financial ManagementPrerequisites: AC 201 and AC 202A study of financial functions performed inpublic and not-for-profit organizations withemphasis on financial reporting, budgeting, andaccounting processes. 3:0:3FI 451Finance InternshipOpen to Finance majors and minors whohave demonstrated excellence in finance andwant to explore practical applications to theacademic body of knowledge in the professionalenvironment. Variable credit: 1-12 hoursFI 415Financial Analysis and PlanningPrerequisite: FI 360Analysis of the financial aspects of corporatebusiness planning, evaluation of financialperformance, valuation analysis, risk analysis,management of growth. 3:0:3287

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