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(H) Humanities and Performing ArtsCA – Communication (continued)CA 224Digital Media SkillsDigital Media Skills is an entry-level coursewhere students learn basic digital skills (audioand video editing, photo editing, digitalnewspaper layout, posting online) which willprovide a foundation for production workstudents will do in more advanced courses andas staff members of KGSP-FM, the NorthlandNews video newscast, The Stylus newspaper,and the Narva magazine. Project work will beemphasized. 3:0:3CA 231Television ProductionPrerequisite: CA 224 or instructor permission.An introduction to basic television/videoproduction, with an emphasis on field reportingand production for news projects/packagesand public relations pieces. There is a strongemphasis on script writing, basic videography,and video editing. Students will also write andproduce promotional videos. 3:0:3CA 233Introduction to LeadershipThe focus and purpose of this course isto provide students with an introductoryeducation of leadership development theory,cultural and gender impacts on communicationand leadership, self-understanding, ethicalleadership, group dynamics, servant leadership,leading and making change in communities,and group and self-renewal. The course willencourage students to explore the leadershipprocess and develop one’s own leadershippotential while encouraging self-assessmentand communication skill development. Thiscourse fulfills the first core requirement of theundergraduate leadership minor. 3:0:3CA 235Multicultural CommunicationA study of communication and culture thatexamines cultural variability in interpersonalrelationships. Emphasis is placed on facilitationof more effective communication episodesacross gender, race, life-styles, culture and otherbarriers. 3:0:3CA 241 (AR 241)Photography IAn introduction to the basic techniques ofblack and white photography. Cameras, lenses,films, lighting, composition, etc, are discussed.Students must provide an acceptable cameraand expendable supplies. Darkroom work isrequired and a darkroom fee is charged. 1:5:3CA 301Interpersonal Communication IIPrerequisite: CA 104.A study of the nature of and problems incommunication. Areas of study include: mentalprocess in communication, perception, content,amount of communication, interpersonaland task behaviors, norms, conflict, creativity,touch, distance, time usage, manipulation ofenvironment, intervention, attitude changeand opinions, and how communicationfosters attraction, productivity, and leadership.The course focuses on the development of aframework for analyzing the various approachesto interpersonal communication. 3:0:3CA 302Communication Ethics and LawA study of laws and ethics for journalists andother communicators. The course will analyzelibel law, privacy, and objectivity, responsibility,freedom of speech and censorship, and the roleof the press in society. 3:0:3CA 311Editing, Layout and DesignStudy and practical application of editing news,features, and investigative stories. Includesrewriting, headline writing, and the principlesof layout and design. 2:2:3CA 315Journalism PracticumJournalism practicum provides an opportunityto apply the skills of journalism as a member ofa publication team, usually on the staff of theStylus or the Narva. The course is conducted inan independent manner as students fill roles onthe publication team then submit their work tothe instructor for critique. The Stylus or Narvaeditor may enroll for 4 credit hours. The usualenrollment is for 3 credit hours. Variable credit:1-4 hours.251

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