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Admission Policies and Procedures<strong>Park</strong> Distance Learning & Accelerated ProgramsMasterCard, Discover or Visa to pay for allfees and costs.6. Students who are not funded by MilitaryTuition Assistance must pay for alltuition and fees at the time of registration.VA Vocational Rehabilitation students areexempt from this policy. If, for any reason,the assistance, benefits, or payment cannotbe collected by the <strong>University</strong>, the studentassumes the obligation to pay in full alloutstanding tuition/fees.7. All students will want to read the coursesyllabus available online www.park.edu andsearch “Class schedules.” to determine thematerials they need to be prepared for thefirst day of class.• Select the Campus Center from whichyou are taking the course• Select the year• Select the Term (Fall, Fall I, Fall II,Spring, Spring I, Spring II or Summer)• Click on “Search”8. Term dates can be found at either theCourse Schedule www.park.edu and search“Class schedules.” or at the Campus Centerhome page.9. Students cannot be given credit for a coursefor which they have not registered.Priority EnrollmentStudent enrollments in Air Force on-baseeducation services sponsored programswill be given the following priority: (1) activeduty military personnel, (2) civilian employeesof Department of Defense agencies, and (3)family members of active duty military, militaryreserve and guard members, retired militarypersonnel. Community civilians may beadmitted on a space available basis and to theextent of compatibility with local base securityand essential mission commitments.Student enrollments in Army on-posteducation services sponsored programs will begiven the following priority: (1) active dutymilitary, (2) family members of active dutymilitary personnel, (3) Department of Defensecivilians employed on post, (4) retired militarypersonnel, (5) family members of retiredmilitary personnel, and (6) civilians.Student enrollment in Marine Corps onbaseeducation services sponsored programswill be given priority as follows: (1) activeduty Marines, (2) reserve components, (3)family members of active duty personnel, (4)DOD employees and their family members,and (5) civilians on a space available basiswhen programs are not otherwise convenientlyavailable.Student enrollment in Navy on-baseeducation services sponsored programs willbe given priority as follows: (1) active dutymilitary personnel, (2) family members ofactive duty military personnel, (3) Departmentof Defense civilians employed on post, (4)military reserve and guard members, (5) retiredmilitary personnel, (6) family members ofretired military personnel, and (7) civilians.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> awards four semester hoursof lower level electives for completion ofBasic Military Science and six semester hoursof upper level electives for completion ofAdvanced Military Science. Textbooks anduniforms are furnished by the government.Entering the Online Classroom1. Go to parkonline.org.2. Go to the maroon box on the left-side ofthe screen, under “User ID,” enter your<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> ID number.3. Under “password,” enter your My<strong>Park</strong>password.4. Click on the button immediately belowthat says “Go to Class.”5. You are now in the eCollege system. Thetop box in the middle of your screen is the“Course List” box. Select your desiredcourse from the current term/semester.Click here to see your course list.Access Help (<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>)If you have forgotten your ID or Password, orneed assistance with your My<strong>Park</strong> account,please email helpdesk@park.edu or call (800)927-3024.Course Help (eCollege)For technical assistance with the eCollegeOnline classroom, email helpdesk@parkonline.org or call the helpdesk at (866)301-PARK {(866) 301-7275)}. Your instructorcan help you with course content questions.For all other information, please emailonlinestudents@park.edu.70

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