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<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>PK – <strong>Park</strong> Basic Skills (continued)PK 116Basic Skills Writing IIThis course may only be taken in conjunctionwith EN 106 and is designed to help studentsbecome proficient in using the library forresearch and then in writing research papers.Individual portfolio assessment will be used tomonitor progress. 3:0:3PK 117Principles of Composition in ReviewAn individualized program designed forstudents who need additional practice incomposition skills in preparation for writingcompetency examination. 3:0:3PK 118Contemporary Mathematics and Pre-AlgebraA developmental course for the student whoneeds instruction and practice performingcalculations and solving equations. Topicsinclude basis calculations using percentages,real numbers, geometry and other skills neededto succeed in MA 125 and MA 120. 3:0:3career resources. This course is geared towardteaching students to make thoughtful and moresatisfying career/major choices. 1:0:1PK 120Computer KeyboardingDesigned to offer techniques and basic skillsof typing, with emphasis upon formationof correct typewritten techniques, masteryof the keyboard, and performance of basictyping operations. Credit may be given whenthe student passes a comprehensive test anddemonstrates ability to type at 35-40 wpm.This is a pass/fail course requiring students todemonstrate the skills listed by the end of theterm. 3:0:3PK 308Assertive Career BuildingThis seven-week course is designed for thejunior or senior who is preparing to graduateand enter the world of work. Course topicsinclude effective resume writing, interviewingand contact building. 1:0:1PK 119Self and Career ExplorationThis seven-week course is especially for thestudent who is unsure of what career or majorto choose. Students learn through self-discoveryexercises and various printed and computerized(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesPO – Political SciencePO 100American Politics and CitizenshipAn examination of the role of the citizen in theAmerican political system on the local, state andnational levels of government. The impact ofurbanization, bureaucratization and technologywill be emphasized with reference to their historicaldevelopment and international dimensions. 3:0:3PO 200 LEAmerican National GovernmentA survey of the functions and processes ofthe three branches of American nationalgovernment. The changing roles of thebranches and their relationship to the publicwill be emphasized. 3:0:3332PO 201State and Local GovernmentA critical survey of the major trends in stateand local government in the United States, withspecial emphasis on the governmental practicesof state governments and the problems ofmunicipal governments. 3:0:3PO 202Introduction to LawDescriptions of American law, language andprocesses. Subjects include, but are not limited to:the purposes of law, civil law, criminal law, torts,contracts, family law, rights and liberties. 3:0:3

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