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(H) Humanities and Performing ArtsCA – Communication (continued)CA 380 (MK 380)AdvertisingPrerequisite: MK 351 or equivalent.Designed to give the student an understandingof the creation, design, and production ofmaterial for advertising campaigns in all media.Suggested 3:0:3CA 382Communication Research MethodsThis course focuses on the most frequently usedcommunication research methods in the areasof journalism, communication studies, andpublic relations. Students will be introduced tothe qualitative and quantitative communicationresearch methods including content analysis,participant observation, interviewing, textualanalysis and experimental research. It willemphasize understanding communicationresearch reports and developing researchand writing skills appropriate for bothcommunication professionals and studentsseeking advanced degrees. The course mayutilize service learning. 3:0:3CA 402Organizational CommunicationPrerequisite: CA 104.Examines the role of communication inorganizations and the people and patternsmaking up the many sides of complicatedissues, which arise in organizational life. Thecourse also examines the communicationmessages sent and received within anorganization including the organization’s formalstructure and its informal social groups. 3:0:3CA 404Seminar: Special Topics in CommunicationArtsPrerequisite: Advanced standing or permissionof instructor.Revolving topic seminar for advanced students,which may be repeated under different topicheadings. Topics deal with such matters associal responsibility in mass media, effects oftechnological change upon the communicationindustry, film criticism, promotional strategiesand case studies, or issues and problems inbroadcast management or public relations.3:0:3CA 420Human Relations in Group InteractionPrerequisite: Advanced standing or permissionfrom the instructor.A course designed to facilitate the authenticexploration of feelings and communicationobstacles. The focus is on interaction andinterdependency in the small group context.3:0:3CA 441PhotojournalismPrerequisite: CA 241 or equivalentcompetency.Learn to use the camera to tell a story with asingle photograph or with a series. The courseis directed toward newspapers, but includesmagazine photography. 3:0:3CA 450Seminar: Special Topics in JournalismAdvanced standing or permission of instructor.Specialized study and practice in various aspectsof print journalism. May be repeated for creditwhen topics are changed. (Topics may includeInvestigative Reporting, Feature Writing,Editorial and Interpretive Writing, History ofJournalism, Advanced Layout and Design.)3:0:3CA 451Communication and Leadership inGroups and TeamsStudy of leadership, group processes, andinterpersonal relationships in the small group.Special emphasis will be given to the effect ofculture on small group interaction. 3:0:3CA 455Seminar in Journalism EducationThe course explores methods in journalismeducation, the needs of student journalists, andprofessional standards sought by journalists inthe field. 3:0:3CA 475Case Studies in Communication LeadershipStudents use public relations case studiesto analyze and apply organizationalcommunication and leadership theories. Thestudent will conduct an in-depth study of anorganizational communication case and developa leadership plan. 3:0:3253

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