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(NS) Natural and Applied SciencesCH – Chemistry (continued)CH 306Chemical BibliographyPrerequisites: EN 105, EN 106, passing the WCTand 60 accumulated hours.Access to the chemical literature is surveyed. Theuse of index journals, primary and secondarysources, the patent literature, the online search,and the literature organization is explained andillustrated. Submission of a written, formalproposal of an original research problem, togetherwith the records of the literature search validatingthe proposal, is required. This course will satisfy theEN 306 requirement for Chemistry majors. 3:0:3CH 317Organic Chemistry IPrerequisite: CH 108.Co-requisite: CH 317L (except in acceleratedprograms.)An introduction to the chemistry of carbonbased compounds. Nomenclature, structure,bonding, and reaction mechanisms. 3:0:3CH 317LOrganic Chemistry Laboratory ICo-requisite: CH 317.Introduction to lab techniques in organicchemistry; extraction, purification, andchromatographic analysis. Basic qualitativeanalysis of functional groups and separation ofcompounds of different functional groups. 0:4:1CH 318Organic Chemistry IIPrerequisite: CH 317.Co-requisite: CH 318L.Application of principles learned in CH317 to members of each homologous series.Retrosynthetic analysis and introduction to bioorganicchemistry (amino acids, nuclear bases,carbohydrates, lipids). 3:0:3CH 318LOrganic Chemistry Laboratory IICo-requisite: CH 318.Application of techniques learned in 317Lto carry out synthesis. Modifications to andintroduction of functional groups of a givensubstrate. 0:4:1CH 321Introduction to Medicinal ChemistryPrerequisite: CH 318.This course covers an introductory levelmedicinal chemistry. The following topics willbe covered; drug development process; drugapproval processes; receptors; drug interaction;pharmacodynamics; pharmacokinetics,quantitative structure activity relationships.Some of the following classes of drugs willbe discussed in detail - antibacterial drugs;drugs that work on the central nervous system,analgesics, etc. Case studies of current drugsgoing through approval process. 3:0:3CH 328Analytical ChemistryPrerequisites: CH 108 and CH 108L.An in-depth study of classical analyticalchemistry techniques. Subjects include thestatistical evaluation of data, gravimetric andtitrimetric methods of analysis, acid-basechemistry, complexation chemistry, and redoxprocess. Laboratory includes practical examplesof the methods covered in lecture. 3:4:4CH 329Introduction to Instrumental AnalysisPrerequisite: CH 328.An introduction to modern instrumentalchemical analysis. The course will spantheory of operation, instrument design andmethodology, and applications of instrumentaltechniques. Electrochemical methods includingpotentiometry, voltammetry, and coulometry;spectroscopic methods including infrared, UV/VIS, and NMR; chromatographic methodsincluding gas, liquid and thin layer; thermalmethods of analysis and kinetic methods ofanalysis will be covered. 3:3:4CH 337 (BI 337)BiochemistryPrerequisite: CH 318.Co-requisite: CH 337L.Biochemical systems and the relation ofchemical structure to the biochemical functionare discussed. 3:0:3256

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