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(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesPS – Psychology (continued)PS 410Social Influence and PersuasionPrerequisites: PS 101, and junior or seniorstanding or permission of the instructor.This course will examine empirical evidenceregarding the impact of social influence onindividual behavior. Specifically, addressing therole of compliance, conformity, and obediencein shaping ideas, attitudes, and behavior. 3:0:3PS 423Physiological PsychologyPrerequisites: PS 101 or permission of theinstructor.An introduction to the general principlesand relationships between brain, mindand behavior; includes brain mechanisms,perception, motivation, emotion, learning,memory, higher cognition and disorders(neurological and psychological). 3:0:3PS 424Industrial and Organizational PsychologyPrerequisites: PS 101This course examines various psychologicalapplications in the workplace includingresearch, testing, making personnel decisions,training, appraising performance, organizationstructure, teamwork, satisfaction, occupationalhealth, motivation and leadership. 3:0:3PS 498 (SO 498)Senior CapstonePrerequisites: PS 101 and Senior Standing.This course serves as a senior capstoneexperience for students in their senior year.This course will include a comprehensiveexamination, a portfolio, and a major paperreflecting on the student’s portfolio. There willbe lectures reviewing all issues designated in thestudent’s degree program. The comprehensiveexamination will be worth 25% of the student’sgrade. The student will be able to take thecomprehensive examination up to 3 times in asemester and the highest score will be used fortheir grade. This class is not transferable fromany other institution. 2:0:2(NS) Natural and Applied SciencesPY – PhysicsPY 155Concepts of Physics IPrerequisite: MA 125 or high schoolequivalent or permission of instructor.Corequisite: PY 155LA non-calculus approach to physics designed toemphasize the concepts that are most importantto students pursuing careers in the healthsciences. Topics include: measurements, forceand motion, statics, vectors, and wave theoryas applied to heat, sound, and light. Laboratoryincludes appropriate experiments to illustrateconcepts. 3:3:4PY 156Concepts of Physics IIPrerequisite: MA 125 or high schoolequivalent or permission of instructor and PY155.Corequisite: PY 156LA continuation of PY 155. Topics include:electricity, magnetism, wave mechanics, lasers,x-rays and nuclear radiation. Laboratoryincludes experiments and demonstrations toillustrate and emphasize concepts. 3:3:4PY 205Introduction to Physics IPrerequisites: MA 221. Co-requisite: MA 222.Lecture and laboratory introducing the calculusbased physics. Topics include: introductorykinematics and Newtonian dynamics of bothparticles and solid bodies, work and energy,momentum, and thermodynamics. 4:3:5PY 206Introduction to Physics IIPrerequisite: PY 205.A continuation of the calculus physicssequence. Topics include: wave motion,electromagnetic and acoustic waves, propertiesof waves, and electromagnetic theory. 4:3:5.338

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