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IF THE STUDENT DOES NOT DISPUTETHE CHARGE, the faculty member may thenassign a penalty, such as a verbal reprimand orlowered grade. Possible sanctions are listed in afollowing section titled Penalties in the Eventof Academic Dishonesty. Any penalty imposedwill be recorded by the faculty member on theincident form and filed (with any supportingdocumentation) with the appropriateDepartment Chair, Campus Center AcademicDirector, or academic Dean.clear in a written document addressed to theappropriate academic Dean whether they findfor the student or for the faculty member. Thestudent will receive written notice of thatdecision within 15 business days after thehearing. The notification will be mailed via“Certified Mail Receipt.” A summary of theentire case must be submitted to the AssociateVice President for Academic Affairs. He/she mayimpose additional sanctions for repeatoffenders.IF THE STUDENT DISPUTES THECHARGE, he/she may request a review of theissue by the appropriate Department Chair,Campus Center Academic Director, or academicDean within 10 business days following theinitial meeting with the faculty member. Ifthe matter still cannot be resolved, the studentmay contact the appropriate academic Dean orCampus Center Academic Director to requesta formal hearing. The Dean or Campus CenterAcademic Director will appoint a HearingCommittee to conduct a hearing within 20business days of the request.The faculty member making the allegation willpresent her/his case to the Hearing Committee.The Hearing Committee will be comprisedof two faculty members (excluding any of thestudent’s current faculty) and one studentappointed by the Campus Center AcademicDirector or Dean. The Campus CenterAcademic Director or Dean will appoint,as Chair, one of the two faculty members.At an academic hearing the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>policy does not include the right to have legalrepresentation. Students may select a <strong>Park</strong><strong>University</strong> student, staff or faculty member tobe present for consultation purposes duringthe hearing. The adviser may not address thecommittee members or witnesses.During the hearing, each side will havethe opportunity to present their case andto question the other side. The HearingCommittee may also ask questions. The hearingshall focus on evidence for the specific allegationand may include up to three witnesses for eachside of the dispute. All evidence presented atthe hearing will become a part of the hearingfile. The hearing file will be submitted tothe appropriate academic Dean within fivebusiness days. Upon receipt, the appropriatedocumentation will be scanned to the student’se-file.Immediately following the hearing, thecommittee will discuss the case and will makeThe decision of the Dean will be consideredfinal. Appeals to the Associate Vice President forAcademic Affairs can be made only onthe basis that the established policy outlinedhere was not followed. Simply disagreeing withthe decision is not grounds for furtherappeal. Grades and/or degree(s) may bewithheld pending the outcome of the appealprocess.Penalties in the Event of Academic DishonestyIn the event of academic dishonesty, thefollowing courses of action are available to<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>, based upon the severity of theviolation:• Documented reprimand.• Assignment of a lower grade on the test/paper/project in question, with anexplanation from the faculty member.• Assignment of a grade of “F” in the course.• Expulsion from the course with theassignment of a passing grade (W), with theapproval of the Dean or the Dean’s designee.• Expulsion from the course with theassignment of a failing grade (WF), with theapproval of the Dean or the Dean’s designee.• Referral to the Student Code of ConductAdministrator for consideration of<strong>University</strong>-wide sanctions, includingthe possibility of suspension or expulsionfrom <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>. The full StudentConduct Code and associated sanctions areavailable on the <strong>Park</strong> website at:www.park.edu/studentpolicies.ACADEMIC PROGRESS/PROBATIONNo fixed incremental rate of progresstoward a degree is required. A studentis considered in good standing as long as thestudent’s cumulative GPA stands at 2.00 orbetter, and the student continues to achieve a<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> GPA of 2.00 or better at end ofFall and Spring semesters.1. ACADEMIC WARNINGAny academic semester/term in which astudent’s GPA falls below a 2.00, the studentwill receive a warning letter from the Office96

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