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(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesMK – MarketingMK 351Principles of MarketingExamines factors relevant to the marketing mix(product, promotion, distribution, and price)and to marketing management. 3:0:3MK 369E-MarketingPrerequisite: MK 351.This course will address the new technologicalenvironments that marketers are facing byintroducing strategic considerations related totechnology and technology implementationas it impacts the field of marketing. Thecourse will explore the basics of marketingexchange utilizing the Internet, multimediatechniques, database marketing, and interactivetelecommunications across delivery platforms.In addition the course will give students handson experience with relevant software. 3:0:3MK 380 (CA 380)AdvertisingPrerequisite: MK 351 or equivalent.Designed to give the student an understandingof the creation, design, and production ofmaterial for advertising campaigns in all media.Suggested 3:0:3MK 385Consumer BehaviorPrerequisite: MK 351.An integrated approach to the study of variousbehavioral concepts and theories useful forunderstanding consumer behavior and itsrelevance to the development of effectivemarketing strategies. 3:0:3MK 386Retailing AdministrationPrerequisite: MK 351 or equivalent.The basic concepts and analytical tools ofretailing; types of organizational structure; storelocation; personnel; merchandising; promotion;services; and control techniques. 3:0:3MK 389Professional SellingPrerequisite: MK 351.A study of the personal selling process withemphasis on the contributions of behavioraltheories and on the legal, ethical, and socialresponsibilities of selling professionals. 3:0:3MK 395International MarketingPrerequisite: MK 351.An in-depth study of the methods ofestablishing and servicing foreign marketswith emphasis on pricing, promotion, anddistribution channels given the complex effectsof international, cultural, legal and businesspractice environments. Exporting, importingand tariff barriers are also covered. 3:0:3MK 400Special Topics in MarketingPrerequisite: Instructor Permission required.This course consists of the study and analysis ofsome major aspect(s) of Marketing concepts atthe senior level. Variable credit: 1-3 credit hoursMK 401Sales ManagementPrerequisite: MK 351.Review and analysis of approaches to planning,organizing, training, developing, compensating,directing, and controlling the sales force insupport of marketing objectives. Use of casematerials. 3:0:3MK 411Marketing ManagementPrerequisite: MK 351 and MK 385.Study of the theoretical foundations, themethods and the environment of marketing,management. Topics include: consumerbehavior, product policy, channel management,pricing and promotion. 3:0:3MK 453Marketing Research and InformationSystemsPrerequisites: EC 315 and MK 351.Examines the application of research methodsto the problems of marketing. Considerationis given to research procedures, sources ofdata and management’s use of information fordecision making. 3:0:3MK 455Promotional Policies and StrategiesPrerequisite: MK 351.A study of the specific role of the variouspromotional mix elements in relation to theoverall marketing strategy. 3:0:3315

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