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STUDENT ACTIVITIES,ORIENTATION, AND STUDENTCLUBSThere are a number of cultural and socialactivities for students at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>,including plays, lectures, dances, concerts,athletic events, and other forms ofentertainment and education. There aretraditional events such as Fright Night, SpringFling, Harvest Festival, International Dinner,and Christmas on the River. The <strong>Park</strong> StudentActivities Board (PSAB) plans musicalperformances, game shows, films, dances, andspecial events for the Kansas City Area. Someevents, such as International Talk Like a PirateDay, are celebrated at all the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>campuses. Many events are open to all CampusCenters. For more information, please call(816) 584-6411 or check the online ActivitiesCalendar, available through the Student Lifehome page at: www.park.edu/studentlife.More information about orientation is availableat www.park.edu/studentlife and search“Orientation.” Students have the opportunityto join different student organizations. Activegroups include community and campusservice organizations like <strong>Park</strong> ServiceOrganization and Student Ambassadors,academic organizations such as the Associationfor Computing Machinery (ACM) andCommunication Connection, honoraryorganizations such as Alpha Chi and ZetaOmicron, social groups such as Residence HallCouncil and <strong>Park</strong> Student Activities Board, andorganizations with an international focus, suchas World Student Union (WSU) and ModelUnited Nations. For information about any ofthese student organizations or student activities,please call staff in the Office of Student Life, at(816) 584-6377 or check the website at:www.park.edu/studentlife.STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> students are encouraged tohave health insurance and some studentpopulations are required to provide proofof health insurance coverage. Informationabout student insurance is provided onrequest and is available at www.park.edu/enrollmentservices. Information about healthservices available to <strong>Park</strong> students in the KansasCity area is on the Student Life website at:www.park.edu/studentlife.91STUDENT LEADERSHIP ANDENGAGEMENTStaff in Student Life provide a comprehensiveStudent Leadership program to equip bothemerging and experienced student leaderswith skills and experiences that will benefitthem during their time at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>, intheir careers, and in the community. Thereare also many opportunities for StudentEngagement, offering students a chance tounderstand their leadership style and becomecivically engaged with their campus, local,and global community. For more informationabout these programs and events, or to utilizethe Student Leadership and Engagementresources, please check the website at: www.park.edu/studentlife and search “Leadership.”In addition, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> offers a minor inLeadership, and that information is availablein Student Life by calling the Coordinator forStudent Leadership and Engagement at(816) 584-6411.STUDENT LIFEStudent Life encompasses several areas ofthe campus that provide outside-theclassroomsupport, services and programsfor students. Areas within Student Lifeinclude Residence Life, Student Leadershipand Engagement, Student Activities andOrientation, Event Scheduling, CounselingCenter, Student Health Services, StudentClubs and Organizations, Pirate Fitness,Intramural Sports, <strong>Park</strong> Student GovernmentAssociation (PSGA – Student Senate), SummerAcademic Camps, Student Conduct, FoodService, and Parent Programs. Please check thewebsite at www.park.edu/studentlife or call(816) 584-6377 for more information. MostStudent Life staff is located on the secondfloor of Thompson Student Center and regularhours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday throughFriday. Many special events and programsprovided by staff are offered on evenings andweekends. In addition, several opportunitiesfor involvement are also available at campusesoutside the Kansas City area.STUDENT GOVERNMENTAll students enrolled at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> areconsidered members of the <strong>Park</strong> StudentGovernment Association (PSGA). The StudentSenate consists of the Executive Board andthe Senate. Members of the Executive Boardare President, Vice-President, Secretary, andBusiness Manager. Members of the Senateinclude students representing both theresidential and commuter population. The

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