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(H) Humanities and Performing ArtsMU – Music (continued)MU 210Music in a Global SocietyA study of the role that music and musicianshave played voluntarily or otherwise in politics,religion and social issues. Specific worksranging from instrumental music throughopera, liturgical music, musical theatre andpopular music are discussed. 3:0:3MU 234, 235, 334, 335, 434, 435Musicianship Development (Majors only)This course offers students a greater insight intoenhancing listening and perceptive skills byattending concerts, preparing aural and writtencritiques, and observing applied lessons withfaculty outside their primary instrument. 1:0:1MU 240Music Theory IIIPrerequisites: MU 161.A continuation of MU 160 and MU 161, with afurther study and analysis of modulation, alteredchords, modes, chromaticism, and devices usedin contemporary music. Studies will be appliedto written, aural, and keyboard skills. 3:2:3MU 241Music Theory IVPrerequisite: MU 240.A continuation of MU 240, with a furtherstudy and analysis of modulation, alteredchords, modes, chromaticism, and devices usedin contemporary music. Further studies will beapplied to written, aural, and keyboard skills.Course has a required laboratory session. 3:2:3MU 260Introduction to MusicA comprehensive survey of Western music fromits known beginnings to the present. 3:0:3MU 345Music History: Medieval, Renaissance andBaroqueAn introduction to the music literature fromancient times to 1700. 3:0:3MU 346Music History: Classic, Romantic and ModernAn introduction to the music literature from1700 to the present. 3:0:3MU 355, 356Orchestral Repertoire (Majors only)The study, rehearsal and performance oforchestral repertoire. 1:0:1322MU 360Special TopicsIntensive study of an area of music selected bythe instructor on the basis of student need orcurrent issues. 1-3 hours.MU 365OrchestrationPrerequisite: MU 241 or instructor’s approval.A study of the orchestral instrument familieswith exercises in writing scores for instrumentalensembles. Emphasis is placed upon fullorchestra with secondary attention given tosmall ensembles. 3:0:3MU 374Directed Study(for all other pedagogy needs) 1-3 HoursMU 375, 376, 475, 476Collaboration (Majors only)Developing skills of playing with othermusicians. 1:0:2MU 415Independent Study in MusicPrerequisite: permission of artistic director.This course offers the student minoring in musicthe opportunity to research a focused topic inmusic, to compose a significant musical work,or to perform a significant work or set of works.The final product will be a fully developedresearch paper, a finished original musical score,or a significant performance. 3:0:3MU 449Music Management WorkshopStudents will be exposed to the processes inadvising, representing and furthering theirrespective careers as artists: focusing on theestablishment of mutually beneficial workingrelationships with management. Topics includethe mechanics of talent booking and contracting,union and government relations, fee/commissionstructures, and contractual considerations. 1:0:1MU 455, 456Orchestral RepertoireThe study, rehearsal and performance oforchestral repertoire. 1:0:2

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