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(NS) Natural and Applied SciencesMA – Mathematics (continued)MA 380Mathematical StatisticsPrerequisite: MA 305A calculus-based study of probability andstatistics for mathematics and science majors.Topics include: sample spaces, random variablesand probability distributions, moment generatingfunctions, transformations of random variables,laws of large numbers and the central limittheorem, regression analysis, and analysis ofvariance. 3:0:3MA 401AnalysisPrerequisites: MA 222 and MA 301.A rigorous treatment of functions, limits,continuity, differentiation and integration offunctions of one and several real variables.Introduction to the calculus of functions of acomplex variable. 3:0:3MA 402TopologyPrerequisite: MA 401 or permission of theinstructor.An introduction to the topology of Euclideanspace, metric spaces, and general topologicalspaces. 3:0:3MA 406Special Topics in MathematicsPrerequisite: permission of the instructor.This course provides an opportunity for directedstudy in areas not necessarily included in formalcourse work. Variable credit: 1-3 hours.MA 450Seminar in MathematicsPrerequisite: MA 301 and permission of theinstructor.A capstone course for the mathematics majors.Topics may include: selected readings anddiscussion of the history and philosophyof mathematics, the golden ages and crisesin mathematics. Student presentations arerequired. One field trip required. 3:0:3(SS) Social and Administrative SciencesMG – ManagementMG 101Introduction to ManagementBasic functions of management with emphasison the behavioral problems management facesin adopting and implementing policy. 3:0:3MG 110Introduction to BusinessProvides for business and non-business studentsan overview of business in our modern Americansociety. Examines the development of ourbusiness system, social responsibility of business,and the functions of management, marketing,personnel, production, accounting, financeinvestments, insurance, and business law. Careeropportunities in business are explored. 3:0:3MG 260Business Law IIntroduction to the law: contracts, agency,employment, and negotiable instruments;comparison of social responsibility and legalaspects of selected issues. 3:0:3MG 261Business Law IIPrerequisite: MG 260A continuation of the study of contracts,agency, employment, and negotiableinstruments; comparison of social responsibilityand legal aspects of selected issues. 3:0:3MG 268Office AdministrationLayout and organization of an office, designand control of equipment and supplies;business information processing systems;human relations; and cost reduction. 3:0:3MG 271Principles of SupervisionA study of leadership skills for persons insupervisory positions. Topics include: methods oftraining employees, employee rating, improvingpersonal leadership, interpreting organizationpolicies, and obtaining the maximum resultsthrough the efforts of others. 3:0:3309

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