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viewpoints. An understanding ofgeography will be critical to successfullyundertaking this analysis.c. Students will demonstrate an ability tocommunicate with people of differentcultures, backgrounds, and countries.3. Provide students with the tools andcredentials needed to become leaders in aglobal workforce.Requirements:Students will meet requirements 1-8 below.Requirement #7 dictates the accrual of 30 pointsthrough participation of various interculturalexperiences. The last requirement, and chiefassessment tool for the GPP, is an electronicportfolio.1. Application submitted on website, reviewedby the coordinator/the Office ofGlobal Education and Study Abroad andapproved by the Internationalization andMulticultural Education Committee (IMEC).2. Orientation session conducted by the Officeof Global Education and Study Abroad.3. Language study— Students must complete3 semester hours of an intermediate languagecourse (Students who qualify for Englishas a Second Language status based on theiradmission code will fulfill the requirementby either establishing English proficiencyat the intermediate level through testing orby completing English as an InternationalLanguage classes at the intermediate level.4. EDU310, Issues in Diversity and WorldCulture, PS361, Cross-Cultural Psychology,or equivalent course as approved by theIMEC.5. One global humanities course or equivalentfrom the current list of courses approved bythe IMEC. For example, ML 315, SelectedTopics in Literature & Culture or graduatelevel equivalent course.6. Participation in a university sponsored and/or approved international academic experience— short-term or long-term study-abroad,and/or service learning project.7. Global activities and experience—studentsmust accrue 30 points total from aminimum of two activities in this categoryduring the students’ enrollment at <strong>Park</strong>. Ashort one page report must accompany arequest for points in these areas and will besubmitted to the academic advisor who willseek approval from the IMEC committee.These include:a. Projects, activities or other experiencesas approved by the IMEC—Up to 30points;b. Participation in Model UnitedNations or Model OAS —15 points forone year’s active participation, 15 pointsmaximum.c. Participation in other co-curricularor extra-curricular international programas approved by the IMEC. — 15 pointsper one year’s active participation;15 points maximum;d. Internship in an internationalorganization or with an organizationwhich works with other internationalorganizations—15 points per semesterlong internship, 15 points maximum;e. Participation in World StudentUnion—5 points per one year’s activeparticipation (minimum of attendanceat 6 meetings in a year and participationin at least 3 events); 10 pointsmaximum;f. Participation in Coming to Americaseries—5 points per speech; 10 pointsmaximum;g. Attending cross or multicultural events,lectures, etc, and writing a report onthat experience—5 points per event;20 points maximum;h. Foreign language major or minor—20 points;i. Volunteering with an internationalorganization—15 points per semester,15 points maximum;j. Participation in International ClassroomPartnership or Cultural Sharingprogram—15 points per semester;15 points maximum;8. E-Portfolio consisting of archived materialsfrom the above experiences, as well as a3-5 page reflective essay on the students’experience seeking completion of theprogram as indicated by receipt of thecertificate.115

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