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(NS) Natural and Life SciencesBI – BiologyBI 101Biological ConceptsBiological Concepts offers an overview ofthe fundamental facts and principles ofmodern biology. The course is designedfor the non-science student who wishes togain an understanding of current biologicalconcepts and their relevance to problems ofhuman society. Emphasis will be on life, itsorigin, chemistry, energy transformations,reproduction, genetics, evolution, and ecology.At home laboratory activities are included.3:3:4BI 111Environmental BiologyEnvironmental science is the study of theposition and impact of Homosapiens as anorganism in the environment and considerationof the sociological, political, and economicimplications of mankind’s relationship to theecosystem. Problems of world population,world hunger, international implications, etc.will be included. Specific considerations ofenergy availability, usage, and controversies, aswell as pollution topics will be addressed. 3:3:4BI 122 (FWR 122)Human NutritionAn examination of nutritional guidelines, thenutrients necessary for good health, and thedietary needs of different populations. Thiscourse is designated as a VLE for nursingstudents. 3:0:3BI 210The Human BodyStructure and function of the principal systemsof the human body. Topics include: muscular,nervous, skeletal, circulatory, digestive,endocrine, and urinogenital systems. 3:0:3BI 211Human Anatomy and Physiology IA study of the structure and function of thehuman body at the cellular through systemlevel of organization. Laboratory emphasis ison the gross structure of muscular, nervous andskeletal systems. 3:3:4BI 212Human Anatomy and Physiology IIPrerequisite: BI 211 or equivalent.A continuation of BI 211. Emphasis is placedon the circulatory, digestive, endocrine andurinogenital systems. 3:3:4BI 214 LEPersonal and Community HealthEducational in nature with emphasis onpersonal hygiene, community health and healtheducation, this course covers diverse topics suchas wellness, mental health, stress, nutrition,weight management, communicable disease,non-communicable disease, reproductivehealth, parenting, substance abuse, aging, andecology. Socioeconomic and socioculturalfactors that impact the wellness of specificcultural groups will also be discussed. Thiscourse does not count toward a biology major.3:0:3BI 223Clinical MicrobiologyPrerequisite: CH 105 or equivalent.A study of microorganisms that commonlyaffect man, including their morphology,physiology, taxonomy, and ecology.Epidemiology of representative diseases andother applied aspects are discussed. Emphasisin the lab is on techniques: staining, culturing,and standard identification methods. 3:3:4BI 225BotanyA study of the plant kingdom with an emphasison the structure and physiology of theflowering plants. 3:3:4BI 226ZoologyThis course is a broad introduction to KingdomAnimalia. The anatomy, physiology, systematic,evolution, and ecology of animals will bediscussed. Laboratory will include dissection,microscopic and macroscopic examination oforganisms representative of the major animalphyla. 3:3:4247

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