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use this procedure in which the treatment ratherthan the outcome is being challenged.It is the policy of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> toprovide equal opportunity for all enrolledstudents without discrimination on the basis ofrace, color, religion, gender, martial status, sexualorientation, national origin, age, disability, orveteran status. Students who feel that they havebeen discriminated against should contact theEnrollment Services (1st floor Norrington, orsend an e-mail to enrollmentservices@park.edu)for information relative to guidelines and/orprocedures for filing a complaint or grievance.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> has developed thefollowing procedures for assuring that thestudent has the opportunity to have his/herconcerns addressed.ComplaintA complaint is an informal claim ofdiscriminatory treatment. No written report(s)on the incident or the outcome of theinvestigation are required.GrievanceA grievance is the written allegation ofdiscrimination that is related to:• Treatment while enrolled in aneducational program• Employment as a student on campus orin campus-based programs• Financial aid awards• Participation in clubs and/or organizations• Other matters relating to campus life orstudent life.*Please note: If the grievance is related to aStudent Harassment Policy or Title IX Policysituation, please refer the matter immediatelyto the Dean of Student Life, who serves as theInterim Title IX Coordinator. More informationon these policies is available on the <strong>Park</strong> website atwww.<strong>Park</strong>.edu/StudentPolicies.Procedures1. Students wishing to make an informalcomplaint or file a grievance should contactthe Enrollment Services or Campus CenterDirector for the correct procedures tobe followed. Record-keeping will be theresponsibility of that office.2. In the case of complaints, the EnrollmentServices (or the designee) will either:a. direct the complainant to thesupervisor of the area where the allegedincident occurred orb. contact the supervisor on the student’sbehalf.3. Students filing a grievance will be instructedto send a written statement whichdocuments the alleged discrimination to theAssociate Vice President for Student Affairsand to the immediate supervisor of thearea where the alleged incident occurred. Awritten response from the supervisor will bemade within ten working days.4. If after reviewing the written response thestudent wishes to pursue the matter further,copies of the entire file are to be forwardedto <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Human ResourcesOfficer. This officer will be free to interviewthose directly involved, and will be free tocontact any who have information, in orderto resolve the matter. The student’s rightto appeal stops with the Human ResourcesOfficer. The goal of this procedure is toprevent reoccurrence. However, in instanceswhere an individual is found responsible forserious discriminatory action, the HumanResources Officer will consult with thePresident regarding sanctions.5. The President may choose to impose avariety of sanctions, including verbalwarnings or letters of reprimand ordismissal from employment or enrollmentat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong>.Please refer to the Academic Regulations andPolicies section for material specifically relatingto academic grievances and grade appeals.ACADEMIC GRIEVANCESA student who believes that s/he has anacademic grievance should discuss the concernwith the faculty member in charge of the coursein which the concern has arisen. If a mutuallysatisfactory resolution is not reached, thestudent should confer with his/her academicadvisor and may take the matter to the relevantdepartment chair. If no resolution is reached atthis level or if the department chair or AcademicDirector is the faculty member in questionin the first instance, the concern should betaken to the relevant Associate Dean or Dean.Concerns remaining unresolved at this levelshould be taken to the Associate Provost andAssociate Vice President for Academic Affairs.IDENTIFICATION CARDSThe <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> photo identification (ID)card should be carried at all times for useat the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> library, campus athleticevents, the Office of the Registrar, the Cashier’sOffice, and other offices where identificationmay be needed. There is a replacement fee(payable at the Enrollment Services) if the IDcard is lost or stolen.Photo ID pictures will be taken for<strong>Park</strong>ville Daytime Campus Center students inthe Enrollment Services (1st floor Norrington).Students and faculty attending the Downtown59

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