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(NS) Natural and Applied SciencesNS – Natural and Life SciencesNS 120Anatomy and Physiology for NursesThis course is designed for nurses who have hadan introduction to the major structures of thehuman body and a discussion of their function.Emphasis is placed on identification of bodyparts, organization of systems and homeostaticmechanisms. 4:0:4NS 215Selected Topics in Math/Natural SciencesAn in-depth examination of specific areas ofmathematics and natural sciences. May berepeated once for credit with a change in topic.Variable credit: 1-4 hours.NS 220Applied Statistics and Experimental DesignPrerequisite: MA 135 or higher.The applied use of statistics in the naturalsciences. This course will provide anoverview of statistics important to biologicalinvestigation, hypothesis testing, samplingprotocol, and experimental design. Emphasiswill be placed on computer statistical packages,natural science data, and application andinterpretation of these statistics. Students willbe introduced to several common statisticaltests, including one- and two-sample hypothesistesting, analysis of variance (ANOVA),correlation, regression, and chi-squared testswith nonparamentric alternatives brieflydiscussed. 3:0:3NS 241 LEPhilosophy and History of ScienceA history of science is presented in termsof the multicultural aspects of our scientificheritage. Focus is upon the nature of scientificinquiry and the social factors affecting theparticipation of diverse groups of individuals inthe advancement of science. 3:0:3NS 302Current Literature in the Natural SciencesThe goals of this course are to learn to read andcritique research papers; to learn to present apolished, professional summary of a recentpaper; and to acquire background informationfor appropriate scientific seminars. 0:2:1NS 304Science, Technology, and SocietyRelationship between science, technology,and society. Topics include: the two cultures,the relationship between basic science andtechnology, the effects of technology uponsociety, and possible future technologies. 3:0:3NS 306Ethical Practices in ScienceThe social and ethical implications of scientificadvancement will be presented to encourage thefree exchange of ideas, with an emphasis on therole scientists and health professionals shouldplay. Topics are selected from current social andethical issues in chemistry, biology, ecology,physics, and health care. 1:0:1NS 315Special Topics in Math/Natural SciencesAn in-depth examination of specific areas ofmathematics or the natural sciences. May berepeated once for credit with a change in topic.Variable credit: 1-4 hours.NS 319International Health IssuesThis course is designed to acquaint thestudent with health issues including the social,behavioral, and environmental influenceson health and the delivery of health care inthe United States and other countries. Theconcepts of health and illness will be exploredfrom a multicultural viewpoint along witha variety of strategies for the promotion andprotection of health, the prevention of disease,and the treatment modalities such as herbalmedicine, therapeutic touch, acupuncture, etc.Current global issues will be discussed. 3:0:3NS 401Natural Science SeminarA regularly scheduled seminar based on formalpresentations of students, faculty, and guests.The presentations are based upon currentperiodical literature, and the presentation of anabstract and bibliography is required. Requiredof all senior students within the school asdesignated by the department. May be repeatedfor credit. 0:2:1.323

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