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emphasized. Three classroom hours, and oneand one-half hours in leadership laboratory,and one hour of physical fitness training arerequired weekly. Students interested in thisprogram leading to a commission shouldcontact the Professor of Aerospace Studies atthe participating cross-town institution.Honors Academy(<strong>Park</strong>ville Daytime Campus Center Only)The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> Honors Academy(HA) featuring Honors Plus One seeks tocreate a cooperative learning environmentin which students enjoy enriched academicexperiences, growth through service,leadership opportunities, professional portfoliodevelopment, and focus on their individualprofessional futures. This program allowsstudents entering as freshmen during semesters1-3 to interact with a small cohort group inspecially designed courses and a program toexplore academic majors; service learning;leadership; study abroad; internships; graduateschool and employment. As early as the end ofthe sophomore year, students are encouragedto select a Plus One Focus area. Following thatselection, Academy Faculty Fellows and theAcademy director will work with students oninitiatives intentionally designed to supportstudents to reach future goals. Those areasinclude:Scholarly Activity – students pursueconference presentations of their research;pursue publication of their scholarship; applyfor and complete research opportunities onother campuses; assist the HA coordinator toplan and present the Annual Student Researchand Creative Arts Symposium; learn aboutgrants funding for scholarship and pursue atleast one grant; assist FF in pursuing grantfunding when feasible; complete study abroadthat relates to their academic focusService and Applied Learning – studentsfocus on service learning or additional appliedlearning throughout HA involvement; serve asmentors for freshmen and sophomore Honorsstudents; assist the HA coordinator to planapplied learning HA activities; complete studyabroad that relates to their service focusLeadership – students work with theHauptmann School to develop leadership;participate in leadership and service studentgroups on campus and at national level; applyfor positions such as First Year ExperienceMentor and Honors Living and Learning119Community Mentor; pursue internships withstate and national representatives; obtain theLeadership minor, if desired; complete studyabroad that relates to their leadership focus.Students who enter as freshmen enroll duringsemesters 1-2 in LE 100 and EN106 forHonors. In semester 3, students enroll in an LEcourse that offers the option of an additionalone-hour credit honors project. Duringsemester 4, students enroll in an Honors coursethat prepares them for undergraduate researchand design of an independent research projectproposal. During semesters 5-7, studentspursue supervised research or creative activityin a self-designed project working with a facultymentor that promotes independent study.In completing the project, students developintellectual relationships with mentors whilesharing project results with student and facultyaudiences.The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> Honors Academy withHonors Plus One seeks students who desire tolearn not only for self-satisfaction, but also asa means through which they may contributeto their campus, city, national, and globalcommunities in support of the <strong>University</strong> andAcademy mission statements. The Academyalso acknowledges that often the most creativelearning opportunities for students lie inthe intersections between seemingly diverseacademic disciplines. For this reason, theAcademy encourages interdisciplinary work.Qualified transfer students and present<strong>Park</strong>ville students are encouraged to contactthe Academy director to discuss possiblemembership and completion of the researchproject. Academy courses are open toenrollment by qualified non-Academymember students with prior permission ofthe Academy director. Please visit www.park.edu/honors for more information.HONOR SOCIETIESAlpha Chi National Honor Society(<strong>Park</strong>ville Daytime Campus Center only)A chapter of Alpha Chi, a national honorsociety was established at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>University</strong> in1987. The purpose of Alpha Chi is to promoteacademic excellence and exemplary characteramong university studies and to honor thosewho achieve such distinction. Invitation to jointhe society is reserved for students within thetop 10% of the junior and senior classes with aminimum of 3.80 GPA. The <strong>Park</strong>ville faculty

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