2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System

2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System

2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System


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New Programs and Increases to Existing ProgramsInitiative: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) fi lter upgrade to support Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) improvementsImplementation Timeline & Budget Needed:<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> Amount Code$ 020<strong>08</strong>-09$ 100,000 (recurring) 02.6580.802.412.0296.<strong>08</strong>302009-10$ 0 02.6580.802.412.0296.<strong>08</strong>30Even with an increased cost in fi lters, the <strong>Wake</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>System</strong> (WCPSS) should see a net decrease in costs due to the reductionin IAQ cleanup and repairs.Legal Implications (if any):Industry and EPA are working hard to fi nd a way to publish guidelines onair quality. The lack of guidelines has resulted in an ever-growing legalenvironment. Best practice, at this time, is a documented and aggressiveair quality control program.Expected Effect on Goal 20<strong>08</strong>:Over 92,000 teacher work days were lost due to sick leave in 2003-04. If any percentage of the absences was due to poor IAQ then thecosts can easily be justifi ed. This is to help improve the IAQ in ourbuildings improving the learning environment and reducing missed daysby both students and staff. Facility condition has a signifi cant impact onthe classroom-learning environment. A classroom that has the propertemperature and air quality controlled will enhance the teacher-studenteducational environment. Maintaining this environment at peak effi ciencyprovides the best value for each dollar spent on construction. Classroomdistractions are a detriment to the learning environment. If maintenanceis not accomplished, distractions will increase faster than necessary,instructional time will decrease, and student achievement will suffer.Strategic Directive:Evidence or Reasoning for this Strategy:Currently, we are using a low effi ciency fi lter in all of our HVAC equipmentat a yearly cost of $140,000. The cost to move to an EnvironmentalProtection Ageny (EPA) recommended high effi ciency fi lter will increasethe cost for our filter material to $440,000. Higher effi ciency fi lters willreduce the amount of airborne particles. This reduction will result incleaner mechanical systems, reduced “triggers” of individual allergicreactions, reduced organic matter that feeds mold growth, and reducedmoisture holding particles which would improve IAQ.307 FY <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Student Success

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