2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System

2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System

2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System


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Budgetary AssumptionsPRC FEDERAL GRANT TITLE GRANT TERM TYPE BRIEF DESCRIPTION059 Title V - Innovative060 IDEA VI-B Handicapped27 monthsexpires 9/3027 monthsexpires 9/30FormulaFormulaFunds for targeted assistance programs to enhance studentperformance. Sixty percent (60%) of available funding is basedon ADM ($.94 per ADM), including private schools. Forty percent(40%) of funding is based on the December 2005, free lunch count($1.64 per count).Special education programs for handicapped children ages 3 to21.Base Payment – Each LEA shall receive a base amount equal to aproportional share of 75% of the FY 1999-00 IDEA Title VI-B grantas calculated using the December 1998 head count.Funds Remaining After Base – Eighty-fi ve percent (85%) isdistributed based on ADM ($93.93 per ADM), including privateschools and 15% distributed based on December 2005, free lunchcount ($45.23 per count).LIQUIDATIONPERIOD90-day90-day064 Learn and Serve America27 monthsexpires 6/30CompetitiveMeet the unmet human, educational, environmental, and publicsafety needs of the United States, without displacing existingworkers; and renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit ofcommunity throughout the United States.NoCombines the Eisenhower Professional Development StateGrants, Class-Size Reduction and a state administered program(Teacher Quality Enhancement) into one program that focuses onpreparing, training, and recruiting high-quality teachers.103 Improving Teacher Quality27 monthsexpires 9/30FormulaHold Harmless Base Allotment – LEAs receive the amount theywere entitled to receive in FY 2001-02 for the former EisenhowerProfessional Development and Class Size Reduction Programs.90-dayRemaining Funds Available After Hold Harmless – Eighty percent(80%) of the available funds are based on child population inpoverty ages 5-17 ($63.93 per count). Twenty percent (20%) ofthe available funds are allotted based on the age 5-17 population($2.60 per count).104Language Acquisition StateGrant27 monthsexpires 9/30FormulaAssists school districts in teaching English to limited Englishprofi cient students and in helping these students meet the samechallenging State standards required of all other students. Theavailable funds are allotted based on Limited English Profi cientStudent Head Count ($78.48 per count). A LEA’s/Charter’sallotment must be at least $10,000 to receive funding or a consortiamust be formed.90-day105 Title I - <strong>School</strong> Improvement27 monthsexpires 9/30CompetitiveNew <strong>School</strong> Improvement grant to schools identifi ed for schoolimprovement, corrective action and restructuring.90-day353 FY <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Student Success

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