2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System

2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System

2007-08 Adopted Plan - Wake County Public School System


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Savings - One-Time Costs from 2006-07Initiative: Salary AuditThe state allots resources to the school system in terms of months ofemployment for classroom teachers, school-based administrators, instructionalsupport positions, and career and technical education teachers.The state allots dollars to the school system for other categoricalprograms. If either type of allotment is overspent as of June 30 of a fi scalyear, the overage must be repaid in the subsequent year budget.Dollar allotments are not diffi cult to close out. The months of employmentcategories are more complicated. In June, <strong>Wake</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>System</strong> (WCPSS) must close our fi scal year in order to complywith reporting requirements for end-of year fi nancial data to North CarolinaDepartment of <strong>Public</strong> Instruction (NCDPI). The June payroll will typicallypost on a Friday in mid-June. The budget department then has twoto three days to request changes to any transactions in order to makesure we have fully maximized our state programs. We must do theseadjustments using the projection of the impact of the June payroll. Theactual usage does not post to the state website until after the fi scal yearis closed, and it is too late to then correct.Our goal is to zero out state dollars and months of employment. If we err,it is best to “over” use the resources rather than leave a balance. If we“under” use the resources, we leave state dollars unspent, and we uselocal dollars to pay for things that could have been paid from the statebudget. That is a double-cost to the system. If we “over” use the stateallotments, the penalty is that we must pay back NCDPI from our localfunds for the amount of the overage. This is a single-cost to the systemfor something that we would have paid from the local budget.In 2006-07, WCPSS appropriated $537,680 from fund balance as a onetimecost for this type of overage. This was reported in the ComprehensiveAnnual Financial Report. These funds are not included in the<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> budget as a fund balance appropriation or as an expenditureline item.was prepared, there was a net cost of $152,591 for mid-year salary auditissues. Funds were transferred from other savings in the over/under tocover the cost. It was reported to the board of education. These dollarswill not carry forward into the base budget for <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> and are shown asa savings.<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> Amount CodePrincipalTeacherTeacherTeacherTeacherTeacherTeacherTeacher - Speech/PathologyRetired TeacherOther ProfessionalOther ProfessionalOther ProfessionalTeacher AssistantEmployer’s Social Security CostEmployer’s Social Security CostEmployer’s Social Security CostEmployer’s Retirement CostEmployer’s Retirement CostEmployer’s Retirement CostEmployer’s Hospitalization Insurance CostLess: One-time appropriation from fundbalance in 2006-07Total Equals: Funds transferred fromover/under audit to salary audit for onetimecosts in 2006-07($3,384)($318,991)($13,927)($43,631)($13,916)($128,470)($1,629)($2,263)($3,171)($1,254)($282)($3,003)($748)($40,189)($3,401)($51)($38,725)($3,044)($677)($69,515)$537,680($152,591)02.6410.850.114.0250.000002.5100.850.121.0250.000002.5200.850.121.0250.000002.5200.850.121.0250.<strong>08</strong>2002.5500.850.121.0250.000002.5830.850.121.0250.000002.5880.850.121.0250.000002.5860.850.124.0250.000002.5100.850.128.0250.000002.5850.850.139.0250.000002.5890.850.139.0250.<strong>08</strong>2002.6210.850.139.0250.000002.5200.850.142.0250.000002.5910.850.211.0250.000002.5910.850.211.0250.<strong>08</strong>2002.6910.850.211.0250.000002.5910.850.221.0250.000002.5910.850.221.0250.<strong>08</strong>2002.6910.850.221.0250.000002.5910.850.231.0250.0000There are other salary audit items that are identifi ed and reconciled ona monthly basis. These are over- or under-payments that may occur toemployees due to licensure issues, years of experience placement issues,or start and end date calendar issues. As of the time this document326

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