Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe - Iom

Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe - Iom

Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe - Iom

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<strong>Traffick<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Human</strong> Be<strong>in</strong>gs<strong>in</strong> <strong>Southeastern</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>Bulgariafrom the National Service for Combat<strong>in</strong>g Organised Crime; the National PoliceService; the National Border Police Service and the Gendarmerie Service.The National Service Aga<strong>in</strong>st Organised Crime (NSBOP) was established <strong>in</strong>1997. It has a specialised unit deal<strong>in</strong>g with illegal migration, organised illegalmigration of the labour force and traffick<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> human be<strong>in</strong>gs, and 28 units allover the country deal<strong>in</strong>g with organised crime, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g 40 police officers whowork on the issue of traffick<strong>in</strong>g. In 2001, a task force to combat organisedcrime engaged <strong>in</strong> human traffick<strong>in</strong>g was established with<strong>in</strong> NSBOP with representativesfrom the Border Police, the National Police and the Gendarmerie,and with a technical advisor from the FBI. This task force shares <strong>in</strong>formationwith and co-ord<strong>in</strong>ates with the SECI Centre. With<strong>in</strong> the framework of SECI,NSBOP adopted 26 bilateral and multilateral agreements that are be<strong>in</strong>g implemented<strong>in</strong> the area of police co-operation.An <strong>in</strong>ter-<strong>in</strong>stitutional work<strong>in</strong>g group has been established <strong>in</strong> order to developa National Schengen Action Plan, which aims to develop measures to <strong>in</strong>creasethe efficiency of border control and thereby reduce migration pressure <strong>in</strong> theRepublic of Bulgaria. The group has proposed the follow<strong>in</strong>g amendments tothe Penal Code:• A legal def<strong>in</strong>ition of the term "traffick<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> human be<strong>in</strong>gs" <strong>in</strong> Article93 of the general section of the new Draft Penal Code should be <strong>in</strong>troduced;• The regulation <strong>in</strong> Article 156 of the Penal Code referr<strong>in</strong>g to "abductionfor the purpose of sexual exploitation" (also <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g cases of abductionoutside the state borders (Paragraph 2, item 3)) should be moredetailed with respect to the purposes of traffick<strong>in</strong>g and its mechanisms.The National Border Police has established bilateral co-operation with the borderpolice of neighbour<strong>in</strong>g countries, Romania and FYR Macedonia, on operationalcollaboration, exchange of <strong>in</strong>formation and prevention and eradicationstrategies.The National Agency for Child Protection is work<strong>in</strong>g on the Law on Child Abuseand Rights, which <strong>in</strong>cludes anti-traffick<strong>in</strong>g provisions.International and foreign agencies (US Department of Justice, ABA CEELI 70 ,IOM) have supported various activities <strong>in</strong> relation to legal reform and lawenforcement:• Two Polish-Bulgarian governmental conferences on traffick<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>Spr<strong>in</strong>g 2000 <strong>in</strong> Poland and <strong>in</strong> November 2000 <strong>in</strong> Bulgaria, <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>grepresentatives of governments, <strong>in</strong>ternational agencies and NGOs. Awork<strong>in</strong>g group to prepare new anti-traffick<strong>in</strong>g legislation was proposed;• Support for legal reform (Penal Code);• Support for draft<strong>in</strong>g new legislation on traffick<strong>in</strong>g and victim protection;• Exchange of <strong>in</strong>formation and support for the IOM <strong>in</strong>formation campaignand network of NGOs;• Establish<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>formal work<strong>in</strong>g group to work with NGOs;• NGO and donor co-ord<strong>in</strong>ation and <strong>in</strong>formation shar<strong>in</strong>g meet<strong>in</strong>gs;• Preparation of the National Plan of Action. A draft of the NPA was preparedby Animus/La Strada.The American Bar Association has hosted (provided space and coord<strong>in</strong>ation)an <strong>in</strong>formal work<strong>in</strong>g group on human traffick<strong>in</strong>g.6070.American Bar Association, Central and Eastern <strong>Europe</strong>an Law Initiative.

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