Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 10:20 am

Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 10:20 am

Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 10:20 am

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___________________________________________________________________________________________________________talkingherrmann mailing list****************************************1-3-<strong>10</strong>:Talking Herrmann: THE VIRGINIAN tv series now on The Westerns ChannelReply by: Bill Wrobel ()______________________________________________________________________The ideal, J<strong>am</strong>es, is to obtain the official cue sheets of all episodes of the series I'minterested in from the Golden Age of Television. From researchers I've come in contactwith, th<strong>at</strong>'s impossible these days since ASCAP does not allow such inform<strong>at</strong>ion outanymore unless you're involved in some production capacity. In the past limitedreferencing was allowed for a fee to researchers but apparently th<strong>at</strong> has all changed. Cuesheets are not infallible (I've seen many mistakes or insufficient d<strong>at</strong>a) but they can beextremely helpful. It would be gre<strong>at</strong> in this digital age to simply access the inform<strong>at</strong>ionvia the Internet but I do not know if ASCAP has digitalized the old hardcopy d<strong>at</strong>abaseyet. Perhaps someone here knows....If I or any other researcher had all the cue sheets, we would be living high off the hog(opps!--too much influence w<strong>at</strong>ching the dialog on the GUNSMOKE mar<strong>at</strong>hon today !: )because we could determine easily which composers scored the episodes of The BobHope Chrysler The<strong>at</strong>re and Convoy and Kraft Suspense The<strong>at</strong>re and The Virginian andother series to make sure wh<strong>at</strong> Herrmann did (to make sure nothing slipped thru thecracks!). I really doubt if an obscure show like The Bob Hope Chrysler The<strong>at</strong>re will eversee the light of day in terms of dvd release. Even Encore's Mystery Channel does notappear to offer old tv series from the mystery genre beyond, maybe, the Alfred HitchcockHour in the past (and AHH was not obscure but had instant n<strong>am</strong>e recognition). Onealtern<strong>at</strong>ive route would be to go to Universal and search all of their hardcopy cue sheets--if they allowed researchers in (but they don't!). If they had, I would've gone in long ago tostudy the actual written scores of Herrmann for the Revue series such as The Virginian.On Wednesday they'll be showing episode # 3 titled "Throw a Long Rope" starringJack Warden and the lovely Jacqueline Scott. She did one of the hour B/W episodes titled"Kitty Cornered" and she was gre<strong>at</strong> in th<strong>at</strong> one. I sent her a fan letter ten years ago or soand she actually replied with a glossy and a fine letter. "Brazen Bell" on Friday withGeorge C. Scott should be mighty interesting to w<strong>at</strong>ch. Just seeing all of those big starson a westerns television show in Technicolor (or wh<strong>at</strong>ever) is exciting. I vaguelyremember long ago when I was a teenager w<strong>at</strong>ching a VIRGINIAN on their originalrelease on NBC from the l<strong>at</strong>er seasons and I would swear it had a spooky Herrmannscore. I'm hoping I'll eventually come to see it this year on the Westerns Channel!190

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