The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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Chapter Two - Understanding Suicide Behavior“We cannot possess what we do not understand.”Goethe2-1. A Model for Explaining Dysfunctional BehaviorHuman behavior is an actioninfluenced by one’s geneticcomposition, shaped bydevelopmental history, andusually as a reaction to aparticular stimulus within theenvironment. <strong>The</strong> modelprovided in Figure 1graphically illustrates howone’s genetics, backgroundand current environment cancontribute to dysfunctionalbehavior. Some individualsare born predisposed towardspsychiatric illness and/orsubstance abuse, which makesthem more susceptible orvulnerable for certain types ofdysfunctional behavior, includingsuicide. Childhood experiences filledA Model for UnderstandingDysfunctional Health-Risk BehaviorsVisible toCommandNOT Visibleto CommandBehaviorStressorsCurrentEnvironment“Outcome” &ConsequencesDevelopmental HistoryGenetic Vulnerability toPsychiatric Illness“Triggers” for DysfunctionalBehaviorWork & Home Environments-supportive vs. non-supportive- Consequences of Abuse -Trauma- Adverse Childhood ExperiencesFIGURE 1with abuse, trauma, and/or neglect during the crucial, formative stages of personal developmentwill also have a detrimental affect on the development of positive life-coping skills. A “nonsupportiveenvironment,” whether at work or home, filled with stress, resentment, ridicule, orostracized from family or friends, might also be conducive to dysfunctional behavior.Leaders should realize that soldiers and civilians enter into the <strong>Army</strong> with varying levels of lifecopingskills and resiliency as determined by their genetic disposition, developmental andenvironmental influences. Leaders should not assume that all soldiers and civilians entering the<strong>Army</strong> can adequately handle the inherent stress of military service or even life in general,especially if they are already predisposed to psychiatric disorder. Although it is unrealistic for aleader to understand the genetic composition of the soldier and civilian, or know their completedevelopmental history, leaders can make proper assessments of their life-coping skills byobservation and personal dialogue focused on learning and understanding the soldier’sbackground. This chapter is designed to explain the causes of suicide and inform leaders ofcommon danger and warning signs so they can properly anticipate suicidal, or otherdysfunctional behavior, and make preemptive referrals to professional mental health careproviders before a crisis ensues.2-2. Mental Disorders.Mental disorders “are health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood,or behavior, which are associated with distress and/or impaired functioning and spawn a host ofhuman problems that may include disability, pain, or death.” 1 Mental- Schizophrenia- Mania- Depression- Substance AbuseSH-2-7

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