The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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INTENSITYIntensity is related to how hard oneexercises. It represents the degree ofeffort with which one trains and isprobably the single most importantfactor for improving performance. Unfortunately,it is the factor many unitsignore.Changes in CR fitness are directlyrelated to how hard an aerobic exerciseis performed. <strong>The</strong> more energy expendedper unit of time, the greaterthe intensity of the exercise. Significantchanges in CR fitness are broughtabout by sustaining training heartrates in the range of 60 to 90 percentof the heart rate reserve (HRR). Intensitiesof less than 60 percent HRRare generally inadequate to produce atraining effect, and those that exceed90 percent HRR can be dangerous.Soldiers should gauge the intensityof their workouts for CR fitness bydetermining and exercising at theirtraining heart rate (THR). Using theTHR method lets them find and prescribethe correct level of intensityduring CR exercise. By determiningone’s maximum heart rate, restingheart rate, and relative conditioninglevel, an appropriate THR or intensitycan be prescribed.One’s ability to monitor the heartrate is the key to success in CRtraining. (Note: Ability-group runningis better than unit running becauseunit running does not accommodatethe individual soldier’s THR. Forexample, some soldiers in a formationmay be training at 50 percent HRRand others at 95 percent HRR. As aresult, the unit run will be too intensefor some and not intense enough forothers.)<strong>The</strong> heart rate during work or exerciseis an excellent indicator of howmuch effort a person is exerting.Keeping track of the heart rate lets onegauge the intensity of the CR exercisebeing done. With this information,one can be sure that the intensity isenough to improve his CR fitness level.Percent MHR MethodWith this method, the THR is figuredusing the estimated maximal heartrate. A soldier determines his estimatedmaximum heart rate by subtractinghis age from 220. Thus, a 20-year-old would have an estimatedmaximum heart rate (MHR) of 200beats per minute (220 -20 = 200).When using the MHR method, onemust compensate for its built-in weakness.A person using this method mayexercise at an intensity which is nothigh enough to cause a training effect.To compensate for this, a person whois in poor shape should exercise at 70percent of his MHR; if he is inrelatively good shape, at 80 percentMHR; and, if he is in excellent shape,at 90 percent MHR.2-2

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