The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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Chapter Six – Secure6-1. SafeguardThis is perhaps our last opportunity to successfully prevent theindividual from taking his or her life. At this point, the individual isnow considering suicide and is in immediate danger for selfinjuriousbehavior. If any soldier or civilian ever hears anotherperson mention that they are considering suicide, or make anystatements of an intention to die, such as, “I wish I were dead,”or are displaying any of the suicide danger signs as contained inparagraph 2-7 and warning signs as contained in paragraph 2-8,then it is their responsibility and moral obligation to act.SafeguardSECUREPsychiatric TreatmentPsychiatric Assessment- Rehabilitate vs. SeparateTABLE 4If you suspect someone might be at risk for suicidal behavior, then the first step is to ensure thesafety of the individual at risk. Talk to the individual, and listen. Ask the individual if they areconsidering suicide or “killing themselves.” If their response is “yes,” then ask if they havethought about how they would carry it out (a plan) and then determine if they have theresources to carry out the plan. This will enable you to determine the actual risk and will beuseful information for the professional mental health care provider. If you believe the individualis at risk for suicide, then you must contact someone within the chain of command, a chaplain orUMT member, or the local medical treatment facility. Depending on the severity of the situation,you may have to contact the local emergency services including the military police. <strong>The</strong> mainpoint to remember is to remain calm and don’t panic and never leave the person at riskunattended.Safeguarding for soldiers might include assigning a 24-hour watch over the individual untiltransfer of the individual to a local medical treatment facility or the risk has subsided. Also, if thecommander feels that the individual is at risk for self-injurious behavior or is a potential dangerto others, restrict the soldier to the unit area. If a soldier is determined to be at risk for suicide,and is placed on suicide watch, then other members within the unit must also be aware so thatthey unknowingly will not provide a method or means for the soldier to commit suicide.Commanders must also ensure that the soldier at risk does not have access to any means tocommit suicide, which should include denying access to firearms, poisons, over-the-countermedications, alcohol, high places, rope, etc.Commanders must realize that actions taken to protect a person or the public from potentialharm, while shielding the at-risk person from public humiliation takes precedence over any otherpossible concern.6-2. Behavioral Health TreatmentUltimately, a professional mental health care provider at the local medical treatment facility willreceive referrals for all individuals at risk for suicide. <strong>The</strong> professional mental health careprovider will then determine or verify the actual risk and decide upon outpatient treatment orhospitalization.6-3. Behavioral Health AssessmentOnce admittance of a person to a hospital, it is the responsibility of the MHO to make anassessment the severity of the problem and a diagnosis on possible treatment andSH-2-28

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