The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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Cross-country skiingrequires vigorousmovement of the armsand legs, developingmuscular and CRendurance.to every workout until the durationreaches 45 to 60 minutes per workout.He can increase the intensity by addinghills or stairs.As the walker’s fitness increases, heshould walk 45 to 60 minutes at a fasterpace. A simple way to increase walkingspeed is to carry the arms the sameway as in running. With this techniquethe soldier has a shorter arm swing andtakes steps at a faster rate. Swingingthe arms faster to increase the pace isa modified form of race walking (powerwalking) which allows for more upperbodywork. This method may also beused during speed marches. Afterabout three months, even the mostunfit soldiers should reach a level ofconditioning that lets them move intoa running program.CROSS-COUNTRY SKIINGCross-country or Nordic skiing isanother excellent alternative to theusual CR activities. It requires vigorousmovement of the arms and legswhich develops muscular and CRendurance and coordination. Some ofthe highest levels of aerobic fitnessever measured have been found incross-country skiers.Although some regions lack snow,one form or another of cross-countryskiing can be done almost anywhere--on country roads, golf courses, openfields, and in parks and forests.Cross-country skiing is easy to learn.<strong>The</strong> action is similar to that used inbrisk walking, and the intensity may bevaried as in running. <strong>The</strong> work load isdetermined by the difficulty of terrain,the pace, and the frequency andduration of rest periods. Equipment isreasonably priced, with skis, boots,and poles often obtainable from theoutdoor recreation services.ROPE SKIPPINGRope skipping is also a good exercisefor developing CR fitness. Itrequires little equipment, is easilylearned, may be done almost anywhere,and is not affected by weather.Some runners use it as a substitute forrunning during bad weather.A beginner should select a jumprope that, when doubled and stood on,reaches to the armpits. Weightedhandles or ropes may be used bybetter-conditioned soldiers to improveupper body strength. Rope skippersshould begin with five minutes ofjumping rope and then monitor theirheart rate. <strong>The</strong>y should attain andmaintain their THR to ensure a trainingeffect, and the time spent jumpingshould be increased as the fitness levelimproves.Rope jumping, however, may bestressful to the lower extremities andtherefore should be limited to no morethan three times a week. Soldiersshould skip rope on a cushioned surfacesuch as a mat or carpet and shouldwear cushioned shoes.HANDBALL ANDRACQUET SPORTSHandball and the racquet sports(tennis, squash, and racquetball) involvebursts of intense activity forshort periods. <strong>The</strong>y do not provide thesame degree of aerobic training asexercises of longer duration done atlower intensities. However, thesesports are good supplements and canprovide excellent aerobic benefitsdepending on the skill of the players.If played vigorously each day, theymay be an adequate substitute for lowlevelaerobic training. Because runningincreases endurance, it helps2-15

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