The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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Most injuries can beprevented by designinga well-balanced PTprogram.Injuries are not an uncommon occurrenceduring intense physical training.It is, nonetheless, a primaryresponsibility of all leaders to minimizethe risk of injury to soldiers.Safety is always a major concern.Most injuries can be prevented bydesigning a well-balanced PT programthat does not overstress any body parts,allows enough time for recovery, andincludes a warm-up and cool-down.Using strengthening exercises and soft,level surfaces for stretching and runningalso helps prevent injuries. If,however, injuries do occur, they shouldbe recognized and properly treated ina timely fashion. If a soldier suspectsthat he is injured, he should stop whathe is doing, report the injury, and seekmedical help.Many common injuries are causedby overuse, that is, soldiers oftenexercise too much and too often andwith too rapid an increase in the workload.Most overuse injuries can betreated with rest, ice, compression, andelevation (RICE). Following any requiredfirst aid, health-care personnelshould evaluate the injured soldier.Typical Injuries Associatedwith Physical <strong>Training</strong>Common injuries associated withexercise are the following:Abrasion (strawberry) - the rubbingoff of skin by friction.Dislocation - “the displacement ofone or more bones of a joint fromtheir natural positions.Hot spot - a hot or irritated feelingof the skin which occurs just beforea blister forms. <strong>The</strong>se can be preventedby using petroleum jellyover friction-prone areas.Blister - a raised spot on the skinfilled with liquid. <strong>The</strong>se can generallybe avoided by applying lubricantssuch as petroleum jelly toareas of friction, keeping footwear(socks, shoes, boots) in good repair,and wearing the proper size ofboot or shoe.● Shinsplints - a painful injury to thesoft tissues and bone in the shinarea. <strong>The</strong>se are generally causedby wearing shoes with inflexiblesoles or inadequate shock absorption,running on the toes or on hardsurfaces, and/or having calf muscleswith a limited range of motion.● Sprain - a stretching or tearing ofthe ligament(s) at a joint.● Muscle spasm (muscle cramp) - asudden, involuntary contraction ofone or more muscles.● Contusion - a bruise with bleedinginto the muscle tissue.● Strain - a stretching or tearing ofthe muscles.● Bursitis - an inflammation of thebursa (a sack-like structure wheretendons pass over bones). Thisoccurs at a joint and produces painwhen the joint is moved or touched.Sometimes swelling occurs.● Tendinitis - an inflammation of atendon that produces pain when theattached muscle contracts. Swellingmay not occur.● Stress fractures of the feet.● Tibial stress fractures - overuseinjuries which seem like shinsplintsexcept that the pain is in a specificarea.● Knee injuries - caused by runningon uneven surfaces or with wornout shoes, overuse, and improperbody alignment. Soldiers who haveproblems with their knees can benefitfrom doing leg exercisesthat strengthen the front (quadriceps)and rear (hamstrings) thighmuscles.● Low back problems - caused bypoor running, sitting, or liftingtechniques, and by failing to stretchthe back and hip-flexor musclesand to strengthen the abdominalmuscles.<strong>The</strong> most common running injuriesoccur in the feet, ankles, knees, and13-1

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