The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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suicide population. Beginning 1 January 2003, the CSR will be mandatory following everyconfirmed or suspected suicide of active duty soldiers, including ARNG and USAR soldierserving on active duty at the time of death.<strong>The</strong> purpose of the CSR is not to assign blame. While understanding that determining anylessons learned is valuable, commanders should not take a “fault finding approach” toinvestigating suicides or suicide attempts, which would only serve to prolong the recovery periodfor the unit.<strong>The</strong> CSR will be prepared by a MH professional, assigned by the local MEDCOM commander.7.2.b. <strong>Army</strong> Suicide Analysis Report (SAR):Completed by a trained MHO appointed by the local installation Director of Health Services(usually the hospital commander) after receiving a formal request from either from CID orvictim's brigade commander or higher echelon commander at that installation. <strong>The</strong> SAR allowsthe commander an opportunity to present any concerns or questions regarding the death of asoldier or civilian to a professionally trained MHO. Any request for information would have a 30day suspense for completion. This report would include the CSSR and additionally provide:1) a narrative analysis which details both the developmental/historical events thatpredisposed the victim to suicide as well as a narrative description of the more currentpreceding antecedent precipitants.2) a "lessons-learned" & recommendations section.3) address any specific questions posed by the chain of command.7.2.c. <strong>Army</strong> Psychological Autopsy (PA):Completed only by a fellowship-trained forensic psychiatrist/psychologist. Initiated only at therequest of the involved medical examiner doing the physical autopsy or CID investigator toresolve cases where there is an equivocal cause of death.SH-2-31

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