The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

The Army Training System - AskTOP

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Competitive fitnessactivities help in thedevelopment ofassets that are vital tocombat effectiveness.Physical fitness is one of the foundationsof combat readiness, and maintainingit must be an integral part ofevery soldier’s life. This chapter discussescompetitive fitness activitiesand athletic events that commanderscan use to add variety to a unit’sphysical fitness program. <strong>The</strong>re is alsoa section on developing a unit intramuralprogram. Athletic and competitivefitness activities are sports eventswhich should only be used to supplementthe unit’s PT program. <strong>The</strong>yshould never replace physical trainingand conditioning sessions but, rather,should exist to give soldiers a chancefor healthy competition. Only throughconsistent, systematic physical conditioningcan the fitness components bedeveloped and maintained.Crucial to the success of any programis the presence and enthusiasm ofthe leaders who direct and participatein it. <strong>The</strong> creativity of the physicaltraining planners also plays a large role.Competitive fitness and athletic activitiesmust be challenging. <strong>The</strong>y must bepresented in the spirit of fair play andgood competition.It is generally accepted that competitivesports have a tremendous positiveinfluence on the physical andemotional development of the participants.Sports competition can enhancea soldier’s combat readiness by promotingthe development of coordination,agility, balance, and speed. Competitivefitness activities also help developassets that are vital to combat effectiveness.<strong>The</strong>se include team spirit,the will to win, confidence, toughness,aggressiveness, and teamwork.Intramural<strong>The</strong> <strong>Army</strong>’s sports mission is to giveall soldiers a chance to participate insports activities. A unit-level intramuralprogram can help achieve thisimportant goal. DA Pam 28-6 describeshow to organize various unitlevelintramural programs.Factors that affect the content ofthe sports program differ at every<strong>Army</strong> installation and unit. Initiativeand ingenuity in planning are the mostvital assets. <strong>The</strong>y are encouraged inthe conduct of every program.OBJECTIVESA well-organized and executedintramural program yields the following:• Team spirit, the will to win, confidence,aggressiveness, and teamwork.All are vital to combat effectiveness.• A change from the routine PT program.• <strong>The</strong> chance for all soldiers to takepart in organized athletics.ORGANIZATION<strong>The</strong> command level best suited toorganize and administer a broad intramuralprogram varies according to aunit’s situation. If the objective ofmaximum participation is to beachieved, organization should start atcompany level and then provide competitionup through higher unit levels.Each command level should have itsown program and support the nexthigher program level.To successfully organize and conductan intramural program, developersshould consider the following factorsand elements.Authority<strong>The</strong> unit commander should publishand endorse a directive giving authorizationand guidance for a sportsprogram. A detailed SOP should alsobe published.PersonnelLeaders at all levels of the intramuralprogram should plan, organize, andsupervise it. Appointments at all9-1

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