East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 - VERTIC

East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 - VERTIC

East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 - VERTIC


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No. 1 <strong>East</strong> <strong>African</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Customs</strong> <strong>Management</strong> 2005(4) The Commissioner may require the person applying for a licenseto furnish such security as the Commissioner may think appropriate asa condition to the grant of the licence.(5) The Commissioner may, at any time, require a warehousekeeper to furnish new security in a different amount or on differentterms.(6) The Commissioner may, at any time, require a warehousekeeper to make such alterations or additions to his or her bondedwarehouse as the Commissioner may consider necessary to ensure theproper security or warehousing of any goods.(7) A building shall not be used as a bonded warehouse unless thereis in force in relation to the warehouse a valid licence to operate as abonded warehouse.(8) A warehouse keeper who uses, or permits to be used, his or herwarehouse in contravention of any of the terms of his or her licencecommits an offence.(9) The Commissioner shall give reasons for his or her refusal togrant a licence or for revoking or suspending a licence under thissection.Procedureonrevocationorexpiry oflicense63.-(1) Where the Commissioner revokes any licence under section62, then he shall cause to be served on the warehouse keeper notice ofsuch revocation by leaving such notice with the person in charge of thebonded warehouse; and thereupon such service shall be deemed to benotice of such revocation to the owners of all goods warehousedtherein.(2) Where any warehouse keeper proposes not to renew his or herlicence in relation to any bonded warehouse, then he or she shall causenotice of such intention to be given to the owners of all goodswarehoused therein.(3) Where the licence in relation to any bonded warehouse has beenrevoked or has expired, then, within such time as the Commissionermay direct, all goods warehoused therein shall be entered anddelivered for home consumption, for exportation, for removal toanother warehouse, or for use as stores for aircraft or vessels.56

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