Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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160 Chapter 5. Optical Solitons<br />

turbative solution is not appropriate. A shape-preserving, solitary-wave solution of Eq.<br />

(5.5.11) can be found by assuming u(ξ ,τ)=V (τ)exp(iKξ ) and solving the resulting<br />

ordinary differential equation for V (τ). This solution is given by [178]<br />

u(ξ ,τ)=3b 2 sech 2 (bτ)exp(8ib 2 ξ /5), (5.5.12)<br />

where b =(40δ 4 ) −1/2 . Note the sech 2 -type form of the pulse amplitude rather than<br />

the usual “sech” form requir<strong>ed</strong> for standard bright solitons. It should be stress<strong>ed</strong> that<br />

both the amplitude and the width of the soliton are determin<strong>ed</strong> uniquely by the fiber<br />

parameters. Such fix<strong>ed</strong>-parameter solitons are sometimes call<strong>ed</strong> autosolitons.<br />

5.5.3 Self-Steepening<br />

The phenomenon of self-steepening has already been discuss<strong>ed</strong> in Section 4.4.1. It introduces<br />

several new features for solitons forming in the anomalous-dispersion regime<br />

[179]–[183]. The effects of self-steepening appear in Eqs. (5.5.3)–(5.5.6) through the<br />

terms containing ω 0 . The most important feature is that self-steepening can produce<br />

spectral and temporal shifts of the soliton even when T R = 0. In fact, we can integrate<br />

Eq. (5.5.6) to obtain the spectral shift in the form<br />

Ω p (z)= γE ∫ z<br />

0 C p (z)<br />

3ω 0 Tp 3 (z) e−αz dz, (5.5.13)<br />

0<br />

where E 0 = 2P 0 T 0 is the input pulse energy. As soon as the pulse becomes chirp<strong>ed</strong>, its<br />

spectrum shifts because of self-steepening. If the chirp is negligible, spectral shift is<br />

relatively small. Even when Ω p = 0, self-steepening produces a temporal shift because<br />

of the last term in Eq. (5.5.5). If we assume that soliton maintains its width to the first<br />

order, the temporal shift of the soliton peak for a fiber of length L given by<br />

q p (L)=γP 0 L eff /ω 0 = φ max /ω 0 , (5.5.14)<br />

where L eff is the effective length and φ max is the maximum SPM-induc<strong>ed</strong> phase shift<br />

introduc<strong>ed</strong> in Section 4.1.1. Noting that ω 0 = 2π/T opt , where T opt is the optical period,<br />

the shift is relatively small even when φ max exce<strong>ed</strong>s 10π. However, when Ω p ≠ 0, the<br />

temporal shift is enhanc<strong>ed</strong> considerably.<br />

The prec<strong>ed</strong>ing analysis is valid for relatively small values of the parameter s. When<br />

pulses are so short that s exce<strong>ed</strong>s 0.1, one must use a numerical approach. To isolate<br />

the effects of self-steepening govern<strong>ed</strong> by the parameter s, it is useful to set δ 3 = 0 and<br />

τ R = 0 in Eq. (5.5.8). Pulse evolution inside fibers is then govern<strong>ed</strong> by<br />

i ∂u<br />

∂ξ + 1 ∂ 2 u<br />

2 ∂τ 2 + |u|2 u + is ∂<br />

∂τ (|u|2 u)=0. (5.5.15)<br />

The self-steepening-induc<strong>ed</strong> temporal shift is shown in Figure 5.18 where pulse<br />

shapes at ξ = 0, 5, and 10 are plott<strong>ed</strong> for s = 0.2 andN = 1 by solving Eq. (5.5.15)<br />

numerically with the input u(0,τ)=sech(τ). As the peak moves slower than the wings<br />

for s ≠ 0, it is delay<strong>ed</strong> and appears shift<strong>ed</strong> toward the trailing side. Although the pulse<br />

broadens slightly with propagation (by about 20% at ξ = 10), it nonetheless maintains

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