Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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464 Chapter 12. Novel <strong>Nonlinear</strong> Phenomena<br />

a 80-MHz repetition rate) for three input wavelengths of 1400, 1510, and 1550 nm.<br />

In case (a), a Raman soliton is generat<strong>ed</strong> through fission, but its spectrum stops shifting<br />

beyond 1470 nm because of the RIFS suppression induc<strong>ed</strong> by the NSR appearing<br />

in the normal-GVD regime lying beyond 1510 nm. In case (b), a part of the pulse<br />

lies in the normal-GVD regime, and it disperses without forming a soliton. The remaining<br />

part propagates in the anomalous-GVD regime, and its spectrum shifts toward<br />

shorter wavelengths with increasing power. At a certain value of the input power, soliton<br />

effects begin to dominate, and the spectrum shifts through the RIFS toward longer<br />

wavelengths, resulting in the comma-like shape (mark<strong>ed</strong> by an arrow). At even higher<br />

powers, the RIFS is arrest<strong>ed</strong> by the spectral-recoil mechanism. In case (c), the pulse<br />

propagates in the normal-GVD regime and mostly experiences SPM-induc<strong>ed</strong> spectral<br />

broadening. At high powers, the spectrum broadens enough that a part of the pulse<br />

energy lies in the anomalous regime and begins to form a soliton.<br />

12.2 Four-Wave Mixing<br />

The phenomenon of FWM has been discuss<strong>ed</strong> extensively in Chapter 10. The unusual<br />

dispersive properties of highly nonlinear fibers affect the FWM process through the<br />

phase-matching condition. For example, as already mention<strong>ed</strong> in Section 10.3.3, the<br />

inclusion of higher-order dispersive effects offers the possibility of phase matching<br />

even when pump wavelength lies in the normal-GVD regime. In this section, we focus<br />

on such features of FWM in more detail.<br />

12.2.1 FWM in Highly <strong>Nonlinear</strong> <strong>Fiber</strong>s<br />

Highly nonlinear fibers were us<strong>ed</strong> for FWM soon after their development [43]–[58].<br />

In a 2001 experiment, a single-pump configuration was employ<strong>ed</strong> to amplify signals<br />

by 13 dB over a 30-nm bandwidth with a pump peak power of only 6 W using a<br />

6.1-m-long microstructur<strong>ed</strong> fiber [43]. A 2.1-m section of such a fiber was us<strong>ed</strong> in<br />

a 2002 experiment to realize a fiber-optic parametric oscillator that was tunable over<br />

40 nm [45]. The threshold for this laser was reach<strong>ed</strong> when pump pulses had a peak<br />

power of only 34.4 W. In another experiment, a 100-m-long highly nonlinear fiber<br />

was pump<strong>ed</strong> continuously at 1565 nm [46], and two fiber gratings were us<strong>ed</strong> to form a<br />

cavity. Such a parametric oscillator reach<strong>ed</strong> threshold at a pump power of 240 mW and<br />

was tunable over a 80-nm bandwidth. In these experiments, the pump wavelength lay<br />

in the anomalous-GVD regime of the fiber, and the signal and idler frequencies were<br />

set by Eq. (5.1.9) of Section 5.1.<br />

As discuss<strong>ed</strong> in Section 10.3.3, higher-order dispersive effects often become important<br />

and should be includ<strong>ed</strong> for highly nonlinear fibers. It was found there that<br />

only the even-order dispersion terms affect the phase-matching condition. Thus, the<br />

fourth-order dispersion becomes important in setting the signal and idler frequencies.<br />

If dispersion to all orders is includ<strong>ed</strong>, the phase-matching condition in Eq. (10.3.10)<br />

becomes<br />

∞<br />

∑<br />

m=2,4,...<br />

β m (ω p )<br />

Ω m s + 2γP 0 = 0, (12.2.1)<br />


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