Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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282 Chapter 8. Stimulat<strong>ed</strong> Raman Scattering<br />

been studi<strong>ed</strong> extensively [25]–[33]. This subsection describes the relevant features<br />

qualitatively.<br />

To understand how four-wave mixing can influence SRS, it is useful to reconsider<br />

the physics behind the SRS process. As shown in Figure 8.1, Raman scattering can be<br />

thought of as down-conversion of a pump photon into a lower-frequency photon and<br />

a phonon associat<strong>ed</strong> with a vibrational mode of molecules. An up-conversion process<br />

in which a phonon combines with the pump photon to generate a higher-frequency<br />

photon is also possible, but occurs rarely because it requires the presence of a phonon<br />

of right energy and momentum. The optical wave associat<strong>ed</strong> with higher-frequency<br />

photons is call<strong>ed</strong> the anti-Stokes and is generat<strong>ed</strong> at a frequency ω a = ω p + Ω together<br />

with the Stokes wave of frequency ω s = ω p − Ω, where ω p is the pump frequency.<br />

Because 2ω p = ω a + ω s , four-wave mixing, a process where two pump photons annihilate<br />

themselves to produce Stokes and anti-Stokes photons, can occur provid<strong>ed</strong> the<br />

total momentum is conserv<strong>ed</strong>. The momentum-conservation requirement leads to the<br />

phase-matching condition, Δk = 2k(ω p ) − k(ω a ) − k(ω s )=0, where k(ω) is the propagation<br />

constant, that must be satisfi<strong>ed</strong> for FWM to occur (see Section 10.1).<br />

The phase-matching condition in not easily satisfi<strong>ed</strong> in single-mode fibers for Ω ∼10<br />

THz. For this reason, the anti-Stokes wave is rarely observ<strong>ed</strong> during SRS. As discuss<strong>ed</strong><br />

in Section 10.3, the phase-matching condition may be nearly satisfi<strong>ed</strong> when GVD is not<br />

too large. In that case, Eqs. (8.1.20) and (8.1.21) should be supplement<strong>ed</strong> with a third<br />

equation that describes propagation of the anti-Stokes wave and its coupling to the<br />

Stokes wave through four-wave mixing. The set of three equations can be solv<strong>ed</strong> approximately<br />

when pump depletion is neglect<strong>ed</strong> [26]. The results show that the Raman<br />

gain g R depends on the mismatch Δk, and may increase or decrease from its value in<br />

Figure 8.2 depending on the value of Δk. In particular g R becomes small near Δk = 0,<br />

indicating that four-wave mixing can suppress SRS under appropriate conditions. Partial<br />

suppression of SRS was inde<strong>ed</strong> observ<strong>ed</strong> in an experiment [26] in which the Raman<br />

gain was r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> by a factor of 2 when the pump power P 0 was large enough to make<br />

|Δk| < 3g R P 0 . A spectral component at the anti-Stokes frequency was also observ<strong>ed</strong> in<br />

the experiment.<br />

The effects of four-wave mixing on SRS were also observ<strong>ed</strong> in another experiment<br />

[28] in which the spectrum of Raman pulses was found to exhibit a double-peak<br />

structure corresponding to two peaks at 13.2 and 14.7 THz in Figure 8.2. At low pump<br />

powers, the 13.2-THz peak dominat<strong>ed</strong> as the Raman gain is slightly larger (by about<br />

1%) for this peak. However, as pump power was increas<strong>ed</strong>, the 14.7-THz peak began<br />

to dominate the Raman-pulse spectrum. These results can be understood by noting<br />

that the Raman-gain r<strong>ed</strong>uction induc<strong>ed</strong> by four-wave mixing is frequency dependent<br />

such that the effective Raman gain becomes larger for the 14.7-THz peak for pump<br />

intensities in excess of 1 GW/cm 2 .<br />

The effects of fiber birefringence have been ignor<strong>ed</strong> in writing Eqs. (8.1.20) and<br />

(8.1.21). Their inclusion complicates the SRS analysis considerably [29]. For example,<br />

if a pump pulse is polariz<strong>ed</strong> at an angle with respect to a principal axis of the fiber so<br />

that it excites both the slow and fast polarization modes of the fiber, each of them<br />

can generate a Stokes pulse if its intensity exce<strong>ed</strong>s the Raman threshold. These Stokes<br />

waves interact with the two pump-pulse components and with each other through XPM.<br />

To describe such an interaction, Eqs. (8.1.20) and (8.1.21) must be replac<strong>ed</strong> by a set of

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