Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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44 Chapter 2. Pulse Propagation in <strong>Fiber</strong>s<br />

In effect, the nonlinearity is assum<strong>ed</strong> to be lump<strong>ed</strong> at the midplane of each segment<br />

(dash<strong>ed</strong> lines in Figure 2.3).<br />

In practice, the split-step Fourier method can be made to run faster by noting that<br />

the application of Eq. (2.4.8) over M successive steps results in the following expression:<br />

A(L,T ) ≈ e − 1 2 h ˆD<br />

( M∏<br />

e h ˆD e h ˆN<br />

m=1<br />

)<br />

e 1 2 h ˆD A(0,T ). (2.4.10)<br />

where L = Mh is the total fiber length and the integral in Eq. (2.4.9) was approximat<strong>ed</strong><br />

with h ˆN. Thus, except for the first and last dispersive steps, all interm<strong>ed</strong>iate steps can<br />

be carri<strong>ed</strong> over the whole segment length h. This feature r<strong>ed</strong>uces the requir<strong>ed</strong> number<br />

of FFTs roughly by a factor of 2 and spe<strong>ed</strong>s up the numerical code by the same factor.<br />

Note also that a different algorithm is obtain<strong>ed</strong> if we use Eq. (2.4.7) with â = h ˆN and<br />

ˆb = h ˆD. In that case, Eq. (2.4.10) is replac<strong>ed</strong> with<br />

)<br />

A(L,T ) ≈ e − 1 2 h ˆN<br />

( M∏<br />

e h ˆN e h ˆD<br />

m=1<br />

e 1 2 h ˆN A(0,T ). (2.4.11)<br />

Both of these algorithms provide the same accuracy and are easy to implement in practice<br />

(see Appendix B). Higher-order versions of the split-step Fourier method can be<br />

us<strong>ed</strong> to improve the computational efficiency [70]. The use of an adaptive step size<br />

along z can also help in r<strong>ed</strong>ucing the computational time for certain problems [71].<br />

The split-step Fourier method has been appli<strong>ed</strong> to a wide variety of optical problems<br />

including wave propagation in atmosphere [76], grad<strong>ed</strong>-index fibers [77], semiconductor<br />

lasers [78], unstable resonators [79], and waveguide couplers [80]. It is referr<strong>ed</strong> to<br />

as the beam-propagation method when appli<strong>ed</strong> to the propagation of CW optical beams<br />

in nonlinear m<strong>ed</strong>ia when dispersion is replac<strong>ed</strong> by diffraction [77]–[81].<br />

For the specific case of pulse propagation in optical fibers, the split-step Fourier<br />

method was first appli<strong>ed</strong> in 1973 [35]. Since then, this method has been us<strong>ed</strong> extensively<br />

for studying various nonlinear effects in optical fibers [82]–[90], mainly because<br />

of its fast execution compar<strong>ed</strong> with most finite-difference schemes [46]. Although the<br />

method is relatively straightforward to implement, it requires that step sizes in z and T<br />

be select<strong>ed</strong> carefully to maintain the requir<strong>ed</strong> accuracy [71]. The optimum choice of<br />

step sizes depends on the complexity of the problem, and a few guidelines are available<br />

[91]–[94].<br />

The use of FFT imposes periodic boundary conditions whenever the split-step<br />

Fourier method is employ<strong>ed</strong>. This is acceptable in practice if the temporal window<br />

us<strong>ed</strong> for simulations is made much wider than the pulse width. Typically, window size<br />

is chosen to be 10 to 20 times the pulse width. In some problems, a part of the pulse<br />

energy may spread so rapidly that it may be difficult to prevent it from hitting the window<br />

boundary. This can lead to numerical instabilities as the energy reaching one <strong>ed</strong>ge<br />

of the window automatically reenters from the other <strong>ed</strong>ge. It is common to use an “absorbing<br />

window” in which the radiation reaching window <strong>ed</strong>ges is artificially absorb<strong>ed</strong><br />

even though such an implementation does not preserve the pulse energy. In general, the<br />

split-step Fourier method is a powerful tool provid<strong>ed</strong> care is taken to ensure that it is<br />

us<strong>ed</strong> properly. Several generalizations of this method have been develop<strong>ed</strong> that retain

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