Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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454 Chapter 12. Novel <strong>Nonlinear</strong> Phenomena<br />

12.1.1 Enhanc<strong>ed</strong> RIFS and Wavelength Tuning<br />

In the 1986 experiment [1], 560-fs optical pulses were propagat<strong>ed</strong> as solitons in a 0.4-<br />

km-long fiber and their spectrum was found to shift by up to 8 THz because of the<br />

RIFS. It was found soon after that the fission of higher-order solitons generates such<br />

frequency-shift<strong>ed</strong> pulses [3], often call<strong>ed</strong> Raman solitons. Although the properties of<br />

Raman solitons attract<strong>ed</strong> attention during the 1990s [4]–[9], it was only after 1999<br />

that the RIFS was us<strong>ed</strong> for producing femtosecond pulses whose wavelengths could be<br />

tun<strong>ed</strong> over a wide range by simply propagating them through microstructur<strong>ed</strong> or other<br />

narrow-core fibers [10]–[21].<br />

The theory of Section 5.5.4 can be us<strong>ed</strong> to study how the RIFS scales with the pulse<br />

and fiber parameters. In general, one should employ Eq. (5.5.17) when an input pulse<br />

with a power profile, P(t)=P 0 sech 2 (t/T 0 ), is launch<strong>ed</strong> into a fiber. Only in the case of<br />

a fundamental soliton propagating inside a fiber with negligible losses, can we employ<br />

Eq. (5.5.19). If we introduce Δν R = Ω p /(2π), the RIFS grows along the fiber length<br />

linearly as<br />

Δν R (z)=− 4T R|β 2 |z<br />

15πT 4<br />

0<br />

= − 4T R(γP 0 ) 2 z<br />

, (12.1.1)<br />

15π|β 2 |<br />

where we us<strong>ed</strong> the condition that N = γP 0 T0 2/|β<br />

2| = 1 for a fundamental soliton. The<br />

Raman parameter T R equals ≈3 fs and is defin<strong>ed</strong> in Eq. (2.3.42). The prec<strong>ed</strong>ing equation<br />

shows that the RIFS scales with the soliton width as T0 −4 , or quadratically with the<br />

nonlinear parameter γ and the peak power P 0 . Such a quadratic dependence of Δν R on<br />

the soliton peak power was seen in the original 1986 experiment [1].<br />

It follows from Eq. (12.1.1) that RIFS can be made large by propagating shorter<br />

pulses with higher peak powers inside highly nonlinear fibers. Using the definition of<br />

the nonlinear length, L NL =(γP 0 ) −1 , the RIFS is found to scale as LNL −2 . As an example,<br />

if we use a highly nonlinear fiber with β 2 = −30 ps 2 /km and γ = 100 W −1 /km,<br />

L NL = 10 cm for 100-fs (FWHM) input pulses with P 0 = 100 W, and the spectral shift<br />

increases inside the fiber at a rate of about 1 THz/m. Under such conditions, pulse<br />

spectrum will shift by 50 THz over a 50-m-long fiber, provid<strong>ed</strong> that N = 1 can be<br />

maintain<strong>ed</strong> over this distance.<br />

Much larger values of RIFS were realiz<strong>ed</strong> in a 2001 experiment in which 200-fs<br />

pulses at an input wavelength of 1300 nm were launch<strong>ed</strong> into a 15-cm-long taper<strong>ed</strong><br />

with a 3-μm core diameter [13]. Figure 12.1 shows the experimentally measur<strong>ed</strong> output<br />

spectrum and the autocorrelation trace together with numerical pr<strong>ed</strong>ictions of the<br />

generaliz<strong>ed</strong> NLS equation (2.3.43). The parameters us<strong>ed</strong> for simulations correspond<strong>ed</strong><br />

to the experiment and were L NL = 0.6 cm, L D = 20 cm, and T R = 3 fs. The effects of<br />

third-order dispersion were includ<strong>ed</strong> using L D ′ = 25 m. In this experiment, a spectral<br />

shift of 45 THz occurs over a 15-cm length, resulting in a rate of 3 THz/cm, a value<br />

much larger than that expect<strong>ed</strong> from Eq. (12.1.1). This discrepancy can be resolv<strong>ed</strong> by<br />

noting that the soliton order N exce<strong>ed</strong>s 1 under the experimental conditions, and the<br />

input pulse propagates initially as a higher-order soliton inside the fiber.<br />

The qualitative features of Figure 12.1 can be understood from the soliton-fission<br />

scenario discuss<strong>ed</strong> in Section 5.5.4. For a non-integer value of N, the soliton order ¯N<br />

is the integer closest to N. The fission of such a higher-order soliton creates ¯N fun-

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