Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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360 Chapter 9. Stimulat<strong>ed</strong> Brillouin Scattering<br />

generat<strong>ed</strong> with self-se<strong>ed</strong>ing provid<strong>ed</strong> by the amplifi<strong>ed</strong> spontaneous emission of EDFA.<br />

This pump then creates multiple Stokes lines through SBS gain. Such a laser produc<strong>ed</strong><br />

as many as 120 Stokes lines with nearly equal power levels that were separat<strong>ed</strong> by the<br />

Brillouin shift of 11 GHz and occupi<strong>ed</strong> a 12-nm spectral window within the EDFA gain<br />

bandwidth.<br />

9.5.2 Puls<strong>ed</strong> Operation<br />

Brillouin fiber lasers with long cavity lengths can be forc<strong>ed</strong> to emit a pulse train using<br />

several different methods. The technique of active mode locking was us<strong>ed</strong> in a 1978 experiment<br />

by placing an amplitude modulator inside the laser cavity [125]. Laser output<br />

consist<strong>ed</strong> of a train of pulses (width about 8 ns) at a repetition rate of 8 MHz, determin<strong>ed</strong><br />

by the cavity length. These pulses result from locking of multiple longitudinal<br />

modes of the cavity.<br />

Another type of mode locking can occur in Fabry–Perot cavities in which multiple<br />

Stokes lines are generat<strong>ed</strong> through cascad<strong>ed</strong> SBS. Relaxation oscillations can se<strong>ed</strong> the<br />

mode-locking process because their period is equal to the round-trip time in the cavity.<br />

Inde<strong>ed</strong>, partial mode-locking of such a Brillouin laser by itself was observ<strong>ed</strong> [125], but<br />

the process was not very stable. The reason can be understood from Eq. (9.1.3) showing<br />

that the Brillouin shift depends on pump wavelength. In cascad<strong>ed</strong> SBS, different<br />

Stokes waves act as pumps for the successive Stokes. As a result, multiple Stokes lines<br />

are not spac<strong>ed</strong> equally but differ in frequencies by a small amount ∼1 MHz. In a 1989<br />

experiment, mode locking was achiev<strong>ed</strong> by using a multimode fiber [129]. As different<br />

modes have a slightly different effective index (modal dispersion), equally spac<strong>ed</strong><br />

Stokes lines can be generat<strong>ed</strong> by using different fiber modes.<br />

An interesting technique for generating short Stokes pulses from a Brillouin laser<br />

makes use of synchronous pumping using a mode-lock<strong>ed</strong> train of pump pulses [134].<br />

The idea is quite simple. The length of a ring cavity is adjust<strong>ed</strong> such that the round-trip<br />

time exactly equals the spacing between pump pulses. Each pump wave is so short<br />

that it is unable to excite the acoustic wave significantly. However, if the next pump<br />

pulse arrives before the acoustic wave has decay<strong>ed</strong>, the cumulative effect of multiple<br />

pump pulses can build up the acoustic wave to a large amplitude. After the buildup<br />

process is complete, a short Stokes pulse will be generat<strong>ed</strong> through transient SBS<br />

with the passage of each pump pulse. This technique has produc<strong>ed</strong> Stokes pulses of<br />

200-ps duration when 300-ps pulses from a mode-lock<strong>ed</strong> Nd:YAG laser were us<strong>ed</strong> for<br />

pumping a Brillouin ring laser.<br />

Brillouin ring lasers with long cavity lengths can produce pulse trains, even when<br />

pump<strong>ed</strong> continuously, through a nonlinear self-pulsing mechanism bas<strong>ed</strong> on an inherent<br />

instability of such lasers. The origin of this instability lies in the relaxation oscillations<br />

discuss<strong>ed</strong> earlier in Section 9.4.4. Typically, pulses have widths in the range of<br />

20 to 30 ns and are emitt<strong>ed</strong> with a repetition rate nearly equal to the longitudinal-mode<br />

spacing Δν L ≡ 1/t r , where t r is the round-trip time.<br />

Physics behind such lasers attract<strong>ed</strong> considerable attention during the 1990s [147]–<br />

[151]. Equations (9.4.5) through (9.4.7) describe the nonlinear dynamics in Brillouin

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