Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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312 Chapter 8. Stimulat<strong>ed</strong> Raman Scattering<br />

output in the form of solitons of widths ∼100 fs, but at a wavelength corresponding<br />

to the first-order Stokes wavelength. Furthermore, the wavelength can be tun<strong>ed</strong> over a<br />

considerable range (∼10 nm) by using the time-dispersion technique discuss<strong>ed</strong> in Section<br />

8.2.2. A ring-cavity configuration, shown schematically in Figure 8.23, is commonly<br />

employ<strong>ed</strong>. A dichroic beam splitter, highly reflective at the pump wavelength<br />

and partially reflective at the Stokes wavelength λ s , is us<strong>ed</strong> to couple pump pulses into<br />

the ring cavity and to provide the laser output.<br />

In a 1987 experimental demonstration of the Raman soliton laser [174], 10-ps<br />

pulses from a mode-lock<strong>ed</strong> color-center laser operating near 1.48 μm were us<strong>ed</strong> to<br />

pump the Raman laser synchronously. The ring cavity had a 500-m-long, polarizationpreserving,<br />

dispersion-shift<strong>ed</strong> fiber having its zero-dispersion wavelength λ D near 1.536<br />

μm. Such a fiber permitt<strong>ed</strong> the pump and Raman pulses to overlap over a considerable<br />

portion of the fiber as the pump and Raman wavelengths were on opposite sides of<br />

λ D by nearly the same amount (λ s ≈ 1.58 μm). Output pulses with widths ∼300 fs<br />

were produc<strong>ed</strong> with a low but broad p<strong>ed</strong>estal. In an attempt to remove the p<strong>ed</strong>estal,<br />

the ring cavity of Figure 8.23 was modifi<strong>ed</strong> by replacing the fiber with two fiber pieces<br />

with variable coupling between them. A 100-m-long section provid<strong>ed</strong> the Raman gain<br />

while another 500-m-long section was us<strong>ed</strong> for pulse shaping. The SRS did not occur<br />

in the second section because the coupler r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> pump power levels below the<br />

Raman threshold. It was possible to obtain p<strong>ed</strong>estal-free pulses of 284-fs width when<br />

wavelength separation correspond<strong>ed</strong> to 11.4 THz (about 90 nm). However, when the<br />

wavelengths were 13.2 THz apart (corresponding to maximum Raman gain), considerable<br />

pulse energy appear<strong>ed</strong> in the form of a broad p<strong>ed</strong>estal. This complex behavior can<br />

be attribut<strong>ed</strong> to the XPM effects.<br />

In later experiments, 100-ps pulses from a mode-lock<strong>ed</strong> Nd:YAG laser operating at<br />

1.32 μm were us<strong>ed</strong> to synchronously pump a Raman soliton laser [175]–[177]. This<br />

wavelength regime is of interest because conventional fibers with λ D ∼ 1.3 μm can be<br />

us<strong>ed</strong>. Furthermore, both the pump and Raman pulses are close to the zero-dispersion<br />

wavelength of the fiber so that they can overlap long enough to provide the requir<strong>ed</strong><br />

Raman gain (the walk-off length ≈300 m). Pulse widths as short as 160 fs were obtain<strong>ed</strong><br />

in an experiment that employ<strong>ed</strong> a 1.1-km fiber that did not even preserve wave<br />

polarization [175]. Output pulses contain<strong>ed</strong> a broad p<strong>ed</strong>estal with only 20% of the<br />

energy appearing in the form of a Raman soliton. In another experiment, a dispersionshift<strong>ed</strong><br />

fiber with λ D = 1.46 μm was us<strong>ed</strong> [176]. Raman solitons of about 200-fs<br />

width were then observ<strong>ed</strong> through the second- and third-order Stokes lines, generat<strong>ed</strong><br />

near 1.5 and 1.6 μm, respectively. This process of cascad<strong>ed</strong> SRS has also been us<strong>ed</strong><br />

to generate Raman solitons near 1.5 μm by pumping the laser with 1.06-μm pump<br />

pulses [178]. The first three Stokes bands then lie in the normal-GVD regime of a conventional<br />

fiber (λ D > 1.3 μm). The fourth and fifth Stokes bands form a broad spectral<br />

band encompassing the range 1.3–1.5 μm that contains about half of the input energy.<br />

Autocorrelation traces of output pulses in the spectral region near 1.35, 1.4, 1.45, and<br />

1.5 μm show<strong>ed</strong> that the energy in the p<strong>ed</strong>estal decreas<strong>ed</strong> as the wavelength increas<strong>ed</strong>.<br />

In fact, output pulses near 1.5 μm were nearly p<strong>ed</strong>estal free.<br />

Even though Raman soliton lasers are capable of generating femtosecond pulses<br />

that are useful for many applications, they suffer from a noise problem that limits their<br />

usefulness. Measurements of intensity noise for a synchronously pump<strong>ed</strong> Raman soli-

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