Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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12.3. Supercontinuum Generation 469<br />

Figure 12.14: (a) Measur<strong>ed</strong> output spectra showing FWM-induc<strong>ed</strong> sidebands for a 624.5-nm<br />

quasi-CW pump, linearly polariz<strong>ed</strong> at 45 ◦ from the slow axis of a 4-m-long microstructur<strong>ed</strong><br />

fiber. (b) Theoretical gain curve calculat<strong>ed</strong> using actual fiber parameters. (After Ref. [44];<br />

c○2002 OSA.)<br />

(resulting from an effective mode area of only 1.7 μm 2 ) and a relatively large birefringence<br />

(∼10 −4 ) associat<strong>ed</strong> with the microstructur<strong>ed</strong> fiber us<strong>ed</strong> in the experiment.<br />

As discuss<strong>ed</strong> in Section 10.6.3, FWM in highly nonlinear fibers provides a simple<br />

way to generate correlat<strong>ed</strong> photon pairs useful for applications relat<strong>ed</strong> to quantum<br />

cryptography and quantum computing. However, the quality of such a photon-pair<br />

source is severely deteriorat<strong>ed</strong> by spontaneous Raman scattering if the signal and idler<br />

are copolariz<strong>ed</strong> with the pump. This problem can be solv<strong>ed</strong> to a large extent by using<br />

a configuration in which the signal and idler photons are polariz<strong>ed</strong> orthogonally<br />

to the pump [61]. The reason is that the Raman gain almost vanishes for an orthogonally<br />

polariz<strong>ed</strong> pump, whereas the FWM efficiency is only r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> by a factor of 1/3<br />

in an isotropic fiber with no birefringence. In a FWM process that is phase-match<strong>ed</strong><br />

through fiber birefringence, it is possible to r<strong>ed</strong>uce the impact of Raman gain without<br />

sacrificing the FWM efficiency much.<br />

12.3 Supercontinuum Generation<br />

When optical pulses propagate through an optical fiber, their temporal as well as spectral<br />

evolution is affect<strong>ed</strong> not only by a multitude of nonlinear effects such as SPM,<br />

XPM, FWM, and SRS but also by the dispersive properties of the fiber. All of these<br />

nonlinear processes are capable of generating new frequencies within the pulse spectrum.<br />

It turns out that, for sufficiently intense pulses, the pulse spectrum becomes so<br />

broad that it may extend over a frequency range exce<strong>ed</strong>ing 100 THz. Such extreme<br />

spectral broadening is referr<strong>ed</strong> to as supercontinuum generation, a phenomenon first<br />

observ<strong>ed</strong> around 1970 in solid and gaseous nonlinear m<strong>ed</strong>ia [62]–[64].<br />

In the context of optical fibers, supercontinuum was first observ<strong>ed</strong> in 1976 by<br />

launching Q-switch<strong>ed</strong> pulses (width ∼10 ns) from a dye laser into a 20-m-long fiber<br />

with a core diameter of 7 μm [65]. The output spectrum spread as much as over 180 nm

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