Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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34 Chapter 2. Pulse Propagation in <strong>Fiber</strong>s<br />

where Ã(z,ω) is a slowly varying function of z and β 0 is the wave number to be determin<strong>ed</strong><br />

later, Eq. (2.3.10) leads to the following two equations for F(x,y) and Ã(z,ω):<br />

∂ 2 F<br />

∂x 2 + ∂ 2 F<br />

∂y 2 +[ε(ω)k2 0 − ˜β 2 ]F = 0, (2.3.15)<br />

2iβ 0<br />

∂Ã<br />

∂z +(˜β 2 − β 2 0 )Ã = 0. (2.3.16)<br />

In obtaining Eq. (2.3.16), the second derivative ∂ 2 Ã/∂z 2 was neglect<strong>ed</strong> since Ã(z,ω)<br />

is assum<strong>ed</strong> to be a slowly varying function of z. The wave number ˜β is determin<strong>ed</strong><br />

by solving the eigenvalue equation (2.3.15) for the fiber modes using a proc<strong>ed</strong>ure similar<br />

to that us<strong>ed</strong> in Section 2.2. The dielectric constant ε(ω) in Eq. (2.3.15) can be<br />

approximat<strong>ed</strong> by<br />

ε =(n + Δn) 2 ≈ n 2 + 2nΔn, (2.3.17)<br />

where Δn is a small perturbation given by<br />

Δn = n 2 |E| 2 + i ˜α<br />

2k 0<br />

. (2.3.18)<br />

Equation (2.3.15) can be solv<strong>ed</strong> using first-order perturbation theory [10]. We first<br />

replace ε with n 2 and obtain the modal distribution F(x,y), and the corresponding wave<br />

number β(ω). For a single-mode fiber, F(x,y) corresponds to the modal distribution<br />

of the fundamental fiber mode HE 11 given by Eqs. (2.2.12) and (2.2.13), or by the<br />

Gaussian approximation (2.2.14). We then include the effect of Δn in Eq. (2.3.15). In<br />

the first-order perturbation theory, Δn does not affect the modal distribution F(x,y).<br />

However, the eigenvalue ˜β becomes<br />

where<br />

˜β(ω)=β(ω)+Δβ(ω), (2.3.19)<br />

∫∫ ∞<br />

Δβ(ω)= ω2 n(ω) −∞ Δn(ω)|F(x,y)|2 dxdy<br />

c 2 ∫∫<br />

β(ω) ∞ . (2.3.20)<br />

−∞ |F(x,y)|2 dxdy<br />

This step completes the formal solution of Eq. (2.3.1) to the first order in perturbation<br />

P NL . Using Eqs. (2.3.2) and (2.3.14), the electric field E(r,t) can be written<br />

as<br />

E(r,t)= 1 2 ˆx{F(x,y)A(z,t)exp[i(β 0z − ω 0 t)] + c.c.}, (2.3.21)<br />

where A(z,t) is the slowly varying pulse envelope. The Fourier transform Ã(z,ω −ω 0 )<br />

of A(z,t) satisfies Eq. (2.3.16), which can be written as<br />

∂Ã<br />

∂z = i[β(ω)+Δβ(ω) − β 0]Ã, (2.3.22)<br />

where we us<strong>ed</strong> Eq. (2.3.19) and approximat<strong>ed</strong> ˜β 2 − β 2 0 by 2β 0( ˜β − β 0 ). The physical<br />

meaning of this equation is clear. Each spectral component within the pulse envelope<br />

acquires, as it propagates down the fiber, a phase shift whose magnitude is both frequency<br />

and intensity dependent.

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