Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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Index 529<br />

spectral hole burning, 362<br />

spectral narrowing, 86, 105<br />

spectral recoil, 462, 463<br />

spin decoherence, 266<br />

split-step Fourier method, 41–45, 93, 98, 102,<br />

261, 297, 478, 479<br />

symmetriz<strong>ed</strong>, 43<br />

spontaneous emission, 66, 152, 393, 415, 431<br />

amplifi<strong>ed</strong>, 358<br />

spread-spectrum technique, 336<br />

squeezing, 415<br />

SRS, 274–321<br />

cascad<strong>ed</strong>, 279, 283, 292, 473<br />

equations for, 279<br />

fluctuations in, 285, 296<br />

four-wave mixing effects on, 281<br />

intrapulse, see Raman scattering<br />

quasi-CW, 283<br />

single-pass, 283<br />

soliton effects on, 306<br />

threshold of, 276, 301<br />

ultrafast, 294–303<br />

steepest descent method, 278<br />

stimulat<strong>ed</strong> Brillouin scattering, see SBS<br />

stimulat<strong>ed</strong> Raman scattering, see SRS<br />

Stokes band, 274, 279, 330, 340, 370, 374,<br />

378, 382, 385, 471, 473, 477<br />

Stokes parameters, 192, 216<br />

Stokes vector, 192, 193, 217, 255, 266, 317,<br />

406<br />

streak camera, 69, 233<br />

stress-induc<strong>ed</strong> anisotropy, 11<br />

sum-frequency generation, 456<br />

super-Gaussian pulse, see pulse<br />

supercontinuum, 38, 82, 114, 167, 379, 469<br />

coherence properties of, 493<br />

CW pumping of, 474–475<br />

femtosecond pumping of, 475–495<br />

noisy nature of, 493<br />

numerical modeling of, 477<br />

picosecond pumping of, 470–474<br />

polarization effects on, 488<br />

XPM effects on, 484<br />

susceptibility<br />

linear, 14<br />

nonlinear, 368<br />

Raman, 433<br />

second-order, 14, 368, 496<br />

third-order, 14, 37, 178, 227, 275, 368,<br />

402, 424, 502<br />

synchronous pumping, 286, 304, 360<br />

Taylor series, 391, 458, 478, 503<br />

thermal poling, 498, 499<br />

third-harmonic generation, 37, 70, 368, 370,<br />

502–506<br />

third-order dispersion, see dispersion<br />

third-order susceptibility, see susceptibility<br />

three-wave mixing, 370<br />

time-dispersion technique, 286, 304, 312<br />

time-division multiplexing, 75, 414, 470<br />

time-resolv<strong>ed</strong> optical gating, 70<br />

timing jitter, 143, 152, 218, 313<br />

total internal reflection, 1, 440<br />

two-photon absorption, 33, 70, 483<br />

ultrafast signal processing, 413<br />

undeplet<strong>ed</strong>-pump approximation, 372<br />

V parameter, 3, 29, 435<br />

vacuum fluctuations, 123<br />

vacuum permeability, 26<br />

vacuum permittivity, 26, 425<br />

vapor-phase axial deposition, 4<br />

variational method, 103–106, 146<br />

walk-off length, 10, 182, 229, 242, 248, 255,<br />

261, 281, 295, 297–299<br />

wave breaking, 94–98, 101<br />

supression of, 101<br />

XPM-induc<strong>ed</strong>, 246, 262<br />

wave equation, 26, 28<br />

wave-vector mismatch, 373, 380, 384, 391, 497,<br />

500<br />

wavelength conversion, 389, 393, 397, 401, 412,<br />

447<br />

wavelength multicasting, 415<br />

wavelength-selective fe<strong>ed</strong>back, 285<br />

WDM, see multiplexing<br />

WDM systems, 73, 292, 380, 472<br />

Wiener–Khintchine theorem, 88<br />

zero-dispersion wavelength, 8–10, 62, 72, 129,<br />

158, 159, 185, 235, 251, 309, 312,<br />

375, 376, 380, 381, 387, 391, 393,<br />

395, 398, 437, 455, 462, 463, 465,<br />

467, 475, 478, 485

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