Nonlinear Fiber Optics - 4 ed. Agrawal

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10.6. Applications of Four-Wave Mixing 411<br />

The two pump equations can be solv<strong>ed</strong> analytically if the pumps are assum<strong>ed</strong> to<br />

remain undeplet<strong>ed</strong>. The SPM and XPM terms in the remaining two equations can<br />

be eliminat<strong>ed</strong> by introducing new Jones vectors |B 3 〉 and |B 4 〉 with a transformation<br />

similar to that given in Eq. (10.2.12) for the scalar case. These new Jones vectors are<br />

found to satisfy<br />

d|B 3 〉<br />

dz<br />

d|B ∗ 4 〉<br />

dz<br />

= 8iγ (<br />

)<br />

|A 2 〉〈A ∗<br />

9<br />

1| + |A 1 〉〈A ∗ 2| |B ∗ 4〉e −iκz , (10.5.27)<br />

= − 8iγ<br />

9<br />

(<br />

)<br />

|A 2 〉〈A ∗ 1| + |A 1 〉〈A ∗ 2| |B 3 〉e iκz . (10.5.28)<br />

These two equations generalize Eqs. (10.2.13) and (10.2.14) to the vector case.<br />

They can be solv<strong>ed</strong> for arbitrary SOPs of the two pumps and the signal because their<br />

relative orientation does not change along the fiber. The signal amplification factor for<br />

a dual-pump FOPA is found to be<br />

G s = 1 2 [(G + + G − )+(G + − G − )cos(θ s )], (10.5.29)<br />

where θ s is the input angle between the signal Stokes vector and the vector pointing<br />

along ˆp 1 + ˆp 2 (on the Poincaré sphere). Here ˆp 1 and ˆp 2 are input Stokes vectors for the<br />

two pumps. The two gains are defin<strong>ed</strong> as<br />

G ± = |cosh(g ± L)+(iκ/2g ± )sinh(g ± L)| 2 , (10.5.30)<br />

g 2 ± =(8γ/9) 2 P 1 P 2 [1 ± cos(θ p /2)] 2 − (κ/2) 2 , (10.5.31)<br />

where θ p is the input angle between ˆp 1 and ˆp 2 .<br />

Equation (10.5.29) provides the amplification factor of a dual-pump FOPA for arbitrary<br />

input SOPs of the two pumps. Consider the perfect phase-match<strong>ed</strong> case by<br />

setting κ = 0. When the pumps are copolariz<strong>ed</strong> (θ p = 0), g − = 0 and G − = 1, while<br />

G + = cosh 2 (g + L). It follows from Eq. (10.5.29), that G s varies with the signal SOP in<br />

the range of 1 to G + , the minimum value of 1 occurring when the signal is polariz<strong>ed</strong><br />

orthogonal to the pumps. This SOP dependence of the signal gain can be avoid<strong>ed</strong> by<br />

launching orthogonally polariz<strong>ed</strong> pumps (θ p = π). In this case, G + = G − , and G s becomes<br />

independent of θ s , i.e., it does not change with the signal SOP. Of course, the<br />

value of G s is r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> considerably because g + is smaller by a factor of 2. For example,<br />

if the signal is amplifi<strong>ed</strong> by 40 dB when all fields are copolariz<strong>ed</strong>, it is amplifi<strong>ed</strong><br />

by only 20 dB when the pumps are orthogonally polariz<strong>ed</strong>.<br />

10.6 Applications of Four-Wave Mixing<br />

FWM in optical fibers can be both harmful and beneficial depending on the application.<br />

It can induce crosstalk in WDM communication systems and limit the performance of<br />

such systems. The FWM-induc<strong>ed</strong> crosstalk can be avoid<strong>ed</strong> in practice through dispersion<br />

management, a technique in which the dispersion of each fiber section is made<br />

large enough that the FWM process is not phase match<strong>ed</strong> throughout the link length<br />

[53]. At the same time, FWM is useful for a variety of applications [111]. As already

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