Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe

Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe

Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe


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is also due to recent global economic developments requiring a stronger use<br />

of formal IP protection mechanisms. SMEs face special disadvantages in this<br />

respect as they are often neither familiar with the patent system nor do they<br />

possess the necessary experience in database research. This makes training<br />

offered to SMEs more relevant.<br />

� Organisation of the “IPR Day” (a conference with IPR speeches; every second<br />

year an inventor’s prize is awarded by the state of Baden-Württemberg).<br />

� On its website, the PIC Stuttgart makes available an extensive collection of<br />

FAQs and the corresponding answers with regard to various IPRs and the<br />

services of the patent information office itself.<br />

� Furthermore, papers by experienced patent attorneys on various aspects of<br />

IPRs are available for download on PIC Stuttgart's website together with<br />

literature recommendations and a list of relevant laws and regulations, official<br />

documents and brochures etc.<br />

� Other services, like the organisation of information events, holding lectures at<br />

universities, teaching students (one day course; one beginner, one advanced<br />

course) the provision of brochures, information material etc., created by the<br />

German PO, copying services and a telephone hotline.<br />

The German Patent Information Centres are working in close relationship with the<br />

German PO. Based on a contract, the German PO passes on patent documents on<br />

paper and on CD-ROM to all PICs and provides advanced Internet services (i.e. the<br />

DEPATISnet-Premium tool) exclusively for all German PICs. Furthermore, the PO<br />

offers free training courses for the PIC staff. In mid 2006, the co-operation between<br />

the PO and all German PICs was strengthened through an agreement, specifying<br />

the tasks that the PICs take over on behalf of the PO (mainly: regional provision of<br />

information on IPRs and creating awareness for the importance of IPRs). In return,<br />

the Patent Information Centres are supported by the DPMA by way of joint<br />

marketing activities, brochures, trainings etc.<br />

After a modification of the patent law in 2001, 11 out of 24 Patent Information<br />

Centres have used the opportunity to accept patent and utility model applications<br />

and forward them to the German PO. Since October 2004, these 11 PICs are<br />

entitled to accept applications for trade marks and industrial designs as well.<br />

However, the latter service element is not in high demand due to a number of<br />

reasons: First, the introduction of the service was not accompanied by a PR<br />

campaign similar in scope to the campaign launched in 2001 for patent<br />

applications. Second, the documentation required for a patent application is much<br />

more voluminous than that needed for a trade mark application. Thus, the costs of<br />

packing and postage are higher. SMEs and patent attorneys can save/reduce more<br />

of these costs by filing the patent application with the regional PIC than they could<br />

in the case of trade marks.<br />

An interesting element of good practice is PIC Stuttgart's information and training<br />

activities in co-operation with technical universities and colleges. Their aim is to<br />

make future technical engineers and thus future (potential) inventors aware of the<br />

IPR system and to provide them with IPR-research skills. Professors and their student<br />

groups visit the PIC Stuttgart listen to information speeches on IPRs and are assisted<br />

in carrying out IPR-researches on their own. Later on in their university career,<br />

students can use these skills for their practice-oriented seminar papers or their<br />

diploma theses. After entering (self-) employment, university graduates are<br />

assumed to transfer and introduce their IPR-related knowledge and skills for the<br />

benefit of their employers or their own companies. For already more than ten years<br />

the PIC Stuttgart carries out these awareness-raising activities among technical<br />

universities and colleges and one can assume that they have already developed a<br />

broad effect in the meantime. In 2005 alone, 24 student groups from technical<br />

universities or colleges with 431 participants were informed and trained by the PIC<br />


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