Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe

Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe

Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe


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potential for an invention (e.g., end user opinions). A formal evaluation of the<br />

foundation was commissioned in 2006; results should be available by the end of<br />

2007.<br />

With respect to evaluations it is also worthy to note that an international evaluation<br />

group evaluated Finnish invention activities as a whole in 1998. The study also<br />

covered the Foundation’s performance and stated that the Foundation is an<br />

important player in the Finnish innovation policy landscape. It especially highlighted<br />

the fact that the Foundation provides some unique services, and made further<br />

positive remarks with regard to its significant role for private inventors and small<br />

companies and its good networking performance. Last but not least, a user survey<br />

was also conducted for the Foundation’s own published newspaper in 2005. One<br />

important outcome was the desire to read more about success stories.<br />

The following performance figures were provided by the Foundation for Finnish<br />

Inventions for the benchmarking study:<br />

� The Foundation handled approximately 20,000 information requests by<br />

prospective inventors (SMEs and private individuals) in 2005.<br />

� 802 funding applications were received in the year 2005 and 215 of those<br />

received a positive response, i.e. they got funded. This means that only about<br />

27 % actually pass all criteria for funding – an indicator for a selective<br />

procedure and a rather high quality of the supported projects.<br />

� 41 projects were commercialised in 2005. Most of these projects applied for<br />

financial assistance concerning patents. Assuming that the number of funded<br />

projects remains constant over some period of time, this would indicate that<br />

for about 19 % of the supported projects patenting becomes an issue.<br />

� Estimates show that about half of the applications, subsidised projects and<br />

subsidised patent applicants stem form private individuals/inventors, and the<br />

other half from SMEs.<br />

� The average amount of subsidy was € 10,000.<br />

� Most inventions were related to the field of physics (17 %).<br />

� Since 1971, about 2,200 patents have been granted with support from this<br />

service.<br />

� In terms of pro-active contacting, 171 organisations (mostly SMEs) were<br />

contacted and 32 inventions were offered to them. 104 visits were made for<br />

this purpose on site.<br />

Performance indicators measuring the level of diffusion of information to the target<br />

group reported are:<br />

� Media Clippings: The foundation has been mentioned 154 times in the media<br />

(newspapers, magazines and radio/TV)<br />

� Hit rates: The website of the foundation had a hit rate of 127,000 in 2005.<br />

� Circulation volumes: A foundation newspaper is published one time a year,<br />

with a yearly circulation volume of 35,000 (which is rather high)<br />

Though IP protection methods other than patents and IP-related commercialisation<br />

activities (especially licensing activities) can be considered important in the service<br />

context, figures to this end have not been made available. The Foundation stresses<br />

that the important part of the service is not a focus on patents, but to be able to<br />

help inventors and small SMEs in the best possible way. This rather broad approach<br />

on the usage of different IP instruments can be certainly considered an element of<br />

good practice.<br />

12.2 The user’s view<br />

In order to get an idea on how the service is perceived by its users and customers,<br />

a user survey was carried out in the scope of the underlying benchmarking study,<br />

the results of which are presented below.<br />

229<br />


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